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News   Sep 06, 2024
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Next Mayor of Toronto?

Thomson's out. Throwing her support behind Smitherman.

George is going to win.

YAY!! Just watched it live. Good on her, she made the right decision. I think she's a sweet, good-hearted lady, and wish her success. She's just not cut for politics, or at least the spot of mayor.

As for your prediction about George, I wish, but don't jump to conclusions so soon! Eeek!
Done. Now let's hope her supporters follow her advice to back George. This means the debates will be less crowded, but you'll still have Joe and Rossi attacking George. Those two need to drop out as well. George in a one-on-one with Ford would destroy Rob Ford. Smitherman knows his numbers and is a great speaker. Ford wouldn't stand a chance.
You obviously have no understanding of the city budget and what drives expenses if you think that this will resolve the city's financial difficulties.

Neither will any of Ford's silly proposals, but I haven't seen you criticizing those...

I think the recent poll is just another tool to sway voters into Smitherman's camp.

Man, Torontonians are a bunch of sheep being herded by a 400 count poll!

Instead of pre-determining who would be the best candidate to beat ford,

Ipsos reed pre-determined it would be a Ford /Smitherman race.

Curious is Ipsos reed donated to the provincial campaign of the Liberals?

Funny how you're only NOW coming out guns-blazing against Smitherman... just because a poll shows him improving his place.
I wonder if you were never really a Rossi supporter, but a closet Ford supporter all along? :)

I got to 1:13 before I burst out laughing.

It wasn't because of his terrible delivery, but because of his lack of a clue.

The first of his four-point plan to tackle Toronto's finances is the reduction in the number of councillors from 44 to 22, for a whopping savings of .3% of the city's budget.

The guy has no clue.

That youtube video is just difficult to watch. Honestly though, that's the sort of speaking ability I'd expect from a ESL student - not from a native english speaker who went through the educational system of THIS country. I wonder, if Ford never had a million dollar company handed down to him, how successful would he be? Definitely, his tendency to get into profanity-laced outbursts would get him fired from any of the companies *I've* worked for.
So long, Sarah, just for now (perhaps see you next time around???)

I've got to admit that I was a tad confused when I initially read that Sarah Thomson was going to endorse Rossi; their intents with this city were quite opposed. It makes much more sense that she is endorsing Smitherman.

This is a good development, provided by a good person. Thanks Sarah.

A fun-filled and bumpy road ahead, during the remainder of the race (well, it won't be fun for the faint-of-heart): real scrapping, character assassination attempts, and some good ol' mudslinging. Really good fun for some of us. :)

I expect George to conquer because he's fast on his feet. I expect an enormous slip-up (or two) from Ford, and more grasping-at-straws from Rossi. From poor old Joe, I don't know what to expect, except perhaps lower numbers for him now.
That youtube video is just difficult to watch. Honestly though, that's the sort of speaking ability I'd expect from a ESL student - not from a native english speaker who went through the educational system of THIS country. I wonder, if Ford never had a million dollar company handed down to him, how successful would he be? Definitely, his tendency to get into profanity-laced outbursts would get him fired from any of the companies *I've* worked for.

Ford's Youtube people blocked me for replying to a post from one of his cheerleaders.

Here is my comment.

@hCGClinic If your idea of efficient is to save more and spend less and have the city run like an anthill, a city were people drive back and forth to work everyday, crawl into there homes at night and lock their doors. Keep it! A livable city is much more than an anthill. More cars on the road don't make me a proud Torontonian. The AGO, ROM, TIFF, Nuit Blanche, Caribana, waterfront, zoo, the parks, safe streets, the leafs (sort of), and amazing people from every part of the world make me proud.

They blocked my post, but didn't block this one from someone else.

Bumbling fatso. This guy will take Lastman's title of craziest mayor.

That's some strategy!
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Neither will any of Ford's silly proposals, but I haven't seen you criticizing those...

Funny how you're only NOW coming out guns-blazing against Smitherman... just because a poll shows him improving his place.
I wonder if you were never really a Rossi supporter, but a closet Ford supporter all along? :)

That youtube video is just difficult to watch. Honestly though, that's the sort of speaking ability I'd expect from a ESL student - not from a native english speaker who went through the educational system of THIS country. I wonder, if Ford never had a million dollar company handed down to him, how successful would he be? Definitely, his tendency to get into profanity-laced outbursts would get him fired from any of the companies *I've* worked for.

Not sure if you've noticed, but Rossi has been hammering George since the start of this election ;)
Wonder what Thomson will do next? She has enough public profile that she might be offered a safe Liberal seat in the next election. St Paul's would be a good option if Carolyn Bennett chooses to retire.
Neither will any of Ford's silly proposals, but I haven't seen you criticizing those....

I haven't made any criticisms of anyone's budget proposals. Not that they all don't deserve some.
Wonder what Thomson will do next? She has enough public profile that she might be offered a safe Liberal seat in the next election. St Paul's would be a good option if Carolyn Bennett chooses to retire.

What about Provincial government? An election is coming there too, with a more predictable time frame.
While she could run as a Liberal, I'd love her to go PC and then run a Belinda style campaign and wipe Hudak and his cronies out of the party.
I've got to admit that I was a tad confused when I initially read that Sarah Thomson was going to endorse Rossi; their intents with this city were quite opposed. It makes much more sense that she is endorsing Smitherman.

This is a good development, provided by a good person. Thanks Sarah.

From the Star's story, it sounds to me like the Rossi camp leaked that to try and fuel their campaign to be perceived as tripling their poll numbers. I don't blame Morton and Kinsella for it -- time's running out, they're desperate, and it's their job to try every Hail Mary they can. But I'm not surprised that it pissed Sarah off and that last night's poll sealed the deal.

She reminds me a lot of Martha Hall Findlay -- smart, sharp, classy -- and the kind of person we need more of in public life. And like Martha, hopefully her campaign is just the start of a very promising political career.

Now it's time for the other candidates to unite behind George to STOP FORD.
I got to 1:13 before I burst out laughing.

It wasn't because of his terrible delivery, but because of his lack of a clue.

The first of his four-point plan to tackle Toronto's finances is the reduction in the number of councillors from 44 to 22, for a whopping savings of .3% of the city's budget.

The guy has no clue.

I don't understand why Ford didn't take more time to practice his delivery. It sounds so much like he is reading cue cards, and badly at that. The guy is a multi-milliomaire, why not spend a few bucks on someone who can help him come across more polished and with a bit more personalty? He should have been preparing with a coach months ago. He seems to be relying on too many non-professionals (his brothers) to run his campaign and that's a mistake. Maybe they don't want him to look too polished but that's also a mistake. He looks too awkward and unprepared right now. There are also way too many bad edits in this video. It's obvious they had to stop taping because he was making mistakes. Ford needed a hell of a lot more practice before he made this video.

Somebody get this man an acting/reading coach, now! (Don't be so cheap, spend your money)
He seems to be relying on too many non-professionals (his brothers) to run his campaign and that's a mistake. Maybe they don't want him to look too polished but that's also a mistake. He looks too awkward and unprepared right now. There are also way too many bad edits in this video. It's obvious they had to stop taping because he was making mistakes. Ford needed a hell of a lot more practice before he made this video.

Maybe this beneficiary of nepotism thinks its just the natural way of doing things.

Yet another example of why FORD'S NOT UP TO THE JOB.
YAY!! Just watched it live. Good on her, she made the right decision. I think she's a sweet, good-hearted lady, and wish her success. She's just not cut for politics, or at least the spot of mayor.

As for your prediction about George, I wish, but don't jump to conclusions so soon! Eeek!

What she should have done is started off as a councilor and proved herself a bit, as well as get some much needed experience. She had some good ideas but wasn't ready to be mayor.
