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News   Sep 06, 2024
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Next Mayor of Toronto?

Even though I'm taking this with a grain of salt, this is good news. I don't know who I'm voting for but Toronto would be smart to vote in Smitherman just based on his relationship with the provincial government. McGuinty and Miller were on good terms and I'd imagine (based on Smitherman's comments about running his budget by some of his friends at the province to see how they can help him and the city) things would only get better. The city and the province would essentially be run by the same entity on the same page and we could thankfully see much of the momentum that Miller started continue for another 4 years.
Very interesting that The Sun poll has Ford at numbers statistically well above this poll.
Wow. If these numbers are true, the Ford campaign is undergoing a massive collapse of Barbara Hall-like proportions. George's numbers have clearly stabilized, and he looks to have the most growth potential.

And ... this looks like the beginning of the end for Sarah, Rocco and Joe (up to his dyed-in-the-wool NDP base, at least). Their fundraising will really start petering out -- soon.
Like too many Torontonians I haven't been paying nearly enough attention to this. But in a cursory look at platforms and a glimpse of a debate on cp24 the other night, Smitherman seems to be the most competent and able candidate. The fact that Rob Ford is against the Light rail initiative, which would cost $$$ to undo in contracts and years of efforts to get going, is enough for me to vote against him. Sure I'd rather have subways as well, and if money was no object I'd be all for Thomson's plan- however this is a dreamers vision without significant longterm federal/prov government funding, and we know this is not going to happen. That said, the way things operate in council I'm not sure that any candidate can do too much damage or make great strides in four years anyway,in which case I'd rather have someone who can at least string a few intelligent sounding sentences together. Are these guys te best we can do for Canada's most important city?
I've decided to vote for Smitherman. I like his economic policy and the fact that he has Queen's Park's support. That can only bode well for TO. Though I wish he would advocate more subway lines downtown.
Building on the point that Smitherman will be like a province insider working for Toronto, his financial plan released today, puts a focus on the province uploading a fair share of the TTC operating costs. If Smitherman accomplishes that one goal in 4 years, the city's financial difficulties will have been significantly resolved.

I think he can do it. Because of his close relationship with McGuinty, he can talk to Dalton at the kitchen counter and get this done. In fact, I can see this becoming a major platform plank for McGuinty's re-election:

- $100M per year funding of the TTC
- Commitment to transit city + Eglinton as a subway

Ford peaked too early, and now that people are beginning to pay attention, he's stuck with the incumbency hat and Smitherman is the come from behind challenger that people will want to get behind.
- Commitment to transit city + Eglinton as a subway

Eg as subway? Where is that mentioned? His plan has Eglinton outlined as the current transit city plan (tunneled LRT). Scarb RT is what he proposes to b replaced as subway. Unless this has changed? (not on his site though)
Wow. If these numbers are true, the Ford campaign is undergoing a massive collapse of Barbara Hall-like proportions. George's numbers have clearly stabilized, and he looks to have the most growth potential.

That's an overstatement re Ford IMO. It's more the early stirrings of the undecideds "going for a non-Ford winner"...
Eg as subway? Where is that mentioned? His plan has Eglinton outlined as the current transit city plan (tunneled LRT). Scarb RT is what he proposes to b replaced as subway. Unless this has changed? (not on his site though)

That would be McGuinty's platform. People want subways, and the only entity that can get it done is the Province. If McGuinty starts off with a campaign promise to get an Eglinton subway to the Airport, he'll have won over many Torontonians who have clearly shown an appetite for subways in the municipal election.

The other big question was:

If Ford and Smitherman were the only two candidates in the race, who would you support:

Smitherman 48
Ford: 45

Well, thank bloody whomever that there are some fucking brains in this town. Good heavens, the election race is on, just as I predicted to my friends over drinks the other night.

Smitherman, deliver us from this goofball Ford. Please.
