Urban Shocker
Brooks Brothers and Andy Warhol were an unlikely pairing of the preppy and the unsettling that worked quite well.
I'm not that big, flatterer.
Bought a modernist pewter ( ? ) pair about a month ago at the Sunday Market for $10. Marked on the back M and A or W and A. Shaped like the face of a bearded king from some ancient culture. Scandinavian, I think. Not at all my usual sort of purchase.
The cholesterol special?
Can I say something here; to all forummers?? This is about retail clothing and luxury goods. I'll keep it short.
We all post here about this and that store opening.
The BRAND isn't that important, especially when it costs you dear to buy THIS suit or THAT shirt or handbag. And most of us (guilty) buy constantly to satisfy that consumer urge.
Some brands and shops offer good value. If you need a middling suit that fits in a middling way, Moores is good. Many shops don't offer good value - Holts selling $200 t-shirts by D-Squared come to mind.
I've never seen so many poorly dressed people at the malls - and they are full of clothing stores. Or, they are over dressed - go to the underground beneath the Bloor Holts - men wearing the 'full Rosen' - everything bought from studying 'Harry' magazine.
Rant over. There are artisans in this city that can create works of art from scratch that you can wear.
Seek them out and give the consumer goods multinationals less of your money.
Mustapha's Anti-New Mall Retail post fits in perfectly in a New Mall Retail thread. We get to disagree when we want, and we often go on the lecture circuit too. Lighten up CC - and let free speech (within reasonable limits) reign!
There's also Goodwill - today I'm wearing a $5 jacket from there. Such bargoons can subsidize the occasional splurge at N()IR, lileo or Holts.