W. K. Lis
The music stores will be like comic book stores. Used to be that comic books were available in almost every convenience or variety store, but now only in specialty stores. It'll happen now with vinyl, CD, DVD, etc..
Music stores have always been like comic book stores.The music stores will be like comic book stores. Used to be that comic books were available in almost every convenience or variety store, but now only in specialty stores. It'll happen now with vinyl, CD, DVD, etc..
I'm not sure that this is what you would call an over-expansion. They are taking 70% of HMV's stores, so there's already kitted-out locations they can use, and a public that expects a music store in that location (strange that DVDs weren't mentioned in this cbc article), but yeah, they have to figure out how to run the business with less overhead, that's for certain.
Apparently the landlord has said a hard no to Sunrise.
I was hoping Ryerson would buy the HMV site along with the empty lot next to it to build another building that will match the Student Learning Center's qualities.
Would the HMV lot be combined with the plans on the former Empress Hotel corner lot to make one larger development?
Yeah I figured the Empress Hotel lot isn't large enough and the HMV building is pretty ugly. It's gotta go.
The building is very 90's...but can it be just torn down? Five Guys and Silver Snail are still occupying the other half next door. I figure they both must have signed leases for more than a few years, not anticipating the demise of HMV.