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  • Thread starter The Mississauga Muse
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Re: Miss. election

Done and done.

By the way, I don't think I've seen a link to Donald Barber's site in this thread yet, which is definitely worth checking out. It's simply... wow.
Re: MISSISSAUGA Election night coverage Press Release


And the results for the mayoral race...zzzzzzz.

Ahhhh... but NOT if you decide to be at Corporation Great Hall Monday night...

"where up-to-the-minute election results will be broadcast live in the Great Hall following the close of the polls."

ooooo "up-to-the-minute"...

WE COULD GO! Seriously. I'm sure planning to. Why I bought two more Corporation of Mississauga flags just this week!

And what with The Corporation knowing the results already, we'll all be witness to a "Ritualized Drama of Mutual Pretense" "The People of Mississauga Have Spoken" Victory Speech from the Incumbent Mayor.


Plus, surely there will be COOKIES!

Plus if it's a windy day, I'll launch:


The (Good morning Ladies and Gentlemen, welcome to AIR MISSISSAUGA. For our flight today...) MISSISSAUGA MUSE
Re: MISSISSAUGA Election night coverage Press Release

cdl42 Exurban Expatriate's creative writing wrote:

Can't forget the media coverage from the last election...

Reporter 4: "Uhh... here at the McCallion HQ everyone's gone home already..." (*scenes of an empty room with people sweeping up in the background*)

Not this election, there, dude. I plan on staying all the way to 10 pm. And that's even if the cookies run out (I'll be packing snacks!)

On a serious note, two days ago, I realized something ...well, marvellous. I was going through all my Corporation of Mississauga pics going all the way back to June 14th.

I realized that I've inadvertantly chronical-ed the 2006 Mississauga Election! The PICS of Hazel McCallion, I've got!

And get this --I've hours of speech videos! From the Port Credit Memorial Park opening right on through til Monday night... it's got to be the most complete record of this election. And it's certainly got a different take...

What with this election, I've gone through a remarkable transformation. I was absolutely clueless about municipal governance. Could NOT have cared less.

But I discovered such an exhilarating CHASM between Perception and Reality that --oh my, there's a STORY here! I just LOVE Discovery!

Since June 14th, I've:


Had the privilege of Discovering/reading/emailing and even meeting, John Stewart (Mississauga News)

Discovered T.O.Forum (a hotbed of --I haven't figured that out yet)

Going back to John Stewart. Imagine how much poorer Mississauga (and especially us) would be without him. MAN, what I've learned through his RANDOM ACCESS Blog.

That's the other thing:

Discovered the vital role that The Mississauga News plays in our community.

The Mississauga Muse
THE MISSISSAUGA NEWS Our election choices for City Council

Thanks vistaway, for sharing:

Our election choices for City Council

I'm eager to hear how others feel about The Mississauga News' (TMN) choices? Either for your ward or if you can, on choices for other wards as well.

Wotcha think?

I've done a Readers Digest version of TMN that vistaway so kindly shared here.

Ward 1 Carmen Corbasson

Empathetic, honest and reliable, Corbasson...

...has earned the trust of those she represents and clearly deserves their support again this time around.

Ward 2 Pat Mullin:

has an enviable record of working on behalf of residents in her ward. She's smart, well-informed and well-versed on issues in her constituency, the City and the Region, a palatable combination. She deserves another term in office.

Ward 3 Maja Prentice:

has a strong record at City Hall to her credit. She has a clear, reasonable and financially viable platform that's based on experience and a well-founded knowledge of city issues. She has our vote.

Ward 4 Frank Dale:

- his record on City and Peel Region-wide issues is impressive -- his constituents have fared well under his representation. Seniors, youth and families have more facilities at their disposal at the end of his term than they did at the beginning. They can expect more of the same if they return him to office.

Ward 5 Sydney Weir or Sam Hanna:

Sydney Weir or Sam Hanna recommended as "worthy additions to council." because:

Clearly, Adams does not deserve another term at City Hall. Clearly, the residents of Ward 5 deserve better.

Ward 6 Carolyn Parrish and Ron Starr:

Interesting that TMN doesn't commit to the choice between Carolyn Parrish and Ron Starr.

TMN: Carollyn Parrish

is a seasoned politician with a reputation for hard work and a big mouth.

(I wonder who's got a BIGger mouth --Parrish or --me....)

Still, voters can be sure she'll fight on their behalf at City Hall. There's no doubt she'd shake up council.

Ron Starr:

has an impressive history of community involvement and political appointments, and strong ties to the "old guard" in the city.

Starr is conversant with the issues and has the wherewithal to deal with them. If you like the status quo, he is your man.

Ward 7 Nando Iannicca


That said, Iannicca needs to grow a thicker skin and stop threatening legal action every time somebody says or does something he doesn't like. Still, he's the only viable candidate in the ward.

Ward 8 Katie Mahoney:


Her history, along with that of the council on which she's served, warrant her return for another term.

Ward 9 Pat Saito:

TMN: arguably the strongest representative on council, is in a race with, arguably, the strongest contender in this municipal election.

And get this (I had no idea)

She might not be the most popular councillor in the minds of staff, but she does right by the residents of Ward 9.

Ward 10

TMN: Sue McFadden or Craig Lawrence:

In this election, our money is on McFadden, with Lawrence as a possibility.

Ward 11 George Carlson:

stands head and shoulders above the competition. He's a grass roots councillor with strong ties to the community and a solid track record. He's a good bet for another term.

Mayor Hazel McCallion:

TMN: McCallion is clearly the leader this city stills needs.

Don Barber and Roy Willis

neither has what it takes to be mayor.

I have to say that my heart was buoyed that The Mississauga News wrote:

However, both have the courage, at least, to challenge the most beloved mayor in, perhaps, the nation's history, something several other would-be challengers to McCallion's throne clearly lack.

AMEN to that --"courage"

The Mississauga Muse
Re: THE MISSISSAUGA NEWS Our election choices for City Coun

Observer Walt wrote:

A small quibble: the two persons who were missing at the head table were "fringe" council candidates, not school board.

Thanks for clarifying. I would normally go and fix the pic but the trouble is I can't without losing the Flickr URL and I'd be left with a broken image. Then again, maybe it's better to have that then an error....

Observer Walt:

Apparently you had better watch what you say around Nando, if you don't want to get sued!

It isn't just about Nanda Iannicca suing. Municipal corporations (I refuse to refer to them as "governments") are all too happy to do so as well.

MAN! You should just SEE what's happening over in Halton.

Citizens there are being silenced by their municipal corporation --and get this, it's happening elsewhere in Ontario as well.


Not the first time these government persecutions have happened in Halton Hills

November 3, 2006

Halton - Halton Hills: After learning about another - behind closed doors - government persecution of yet another community member, on Monday, October 30, 2006

In Halton alone, that makes, the Halton Herald publisher/editor, and at least two other citizens that I know of.


If they can do it to him, they could do it to you

National Media decends once again upon the Town of Halton Hills to report on the town's political misdeeds.

I swear. It's like CANADA doesn't reach up Halton Corporate Hall steps.


Another Ontario municipality tries to muzzle free speech

Township of Russell bars elderly resident from entering municipal offices after criticizing municipal officials

That's why I say I was so happy to see The Mississauga News acknowledge that Barber and Willis have courage.

When Don Barber goes up there and makes noises about him fighting "for the little guy"?

He really means that!

The Mississauga Muse
WARD 3 --continued

Observer Walt wrote:

Muse: I was at the meeting on Mon. night but didn't get to meet you. I saw you in the front row taking pictures; I was two rows behind you and more to the right. After the meeting I got engaged in a conversation with someone and I guess you slipped away during that time. Wasn't me who smiled at you, sorry.

Well, hope to see you Election Night at Corporation Hall then.

Yeah, I slipped away, Observer, but not before something neat happened. Long meeting wasn't it? At the end there, now I don't know about you but I was really flagging and felt Eternity was Happening to me.

Anyway, meeting over, McCallion made noises about women's hockey happening in Kitchener and she held up some pamphlets.

I went over to take a peak.

Now I know McCallion had at least one meeting early that morning and then she put in mayor-hours before this What-Seemed-Like-Eternity Ward 3 session.


I overheard a lady say to McCallion, "Long day for you, Madame Mayor. You must be tired."

And 85 year old McCallion responded, "Oh no, I'm still RARIN' TO GO!"

I have to tell you, both my fatigued brain and my numb butt found "Oh no, I'm still RARIN' TO GO!" by far the second-most irritating thing we've ever heard The Hurricane say.


The (I just hate it when The Greatest Generation out-rares The Boomers) Mississauga Muse
Re: WARD 3 --continued

I have to say that I was not surprised by any of the News recommendations. They have a history of presenting a good, balanced review of the candidates, specifically picking up some positives about non-incumbents (even in one-sided races). But of course, they almost always endorse the incumbent. And in most cases, rightly-so. We have probably the best-run city of its size in the country thanks to both a great, stable council and a solid staff. There have been plenty of mistakes made by both in the past, but the current direction seems to be the right one, in my eyes.

Unfortunately, I have a feeling that voter turnout is still going to be depressingly-low this time around.

They really sat the fence on Ward 6...too bad.

(I don't want to start a new Mississauga Thread so):



Are Canadians Forgetting About Remembrance Day?

Wednesday November 8, 2006

As we lose more veterans every year, it appears Canadians may be losing their interest in the great sacrifices those men and women made decades ago and continue to make in Afghanistan.


On Wednesday veterans, cadets and about 200 students were keeping the memory of our war heroes' efforts alive at the Erin Mills Town Centre with a ceremony four days ahead of Remembrance Day.

Mississauga Mayor Hazel McCallion reminded the young people in the crowd how important it is to remember the sacrifices made years ago that have not only forged our nation's identity, but have given us the freedoms we so often take for granted.

"We have to appreciate the great freedoms we enjoy every day and you as young people in your schools ... and so today is very special," McCallion told the crowd.


From website:

November 11

Army, Navy and Air Force Veterans

765 Third Street, Unit 262


Parade at the base beginning at 10:45 a.m., followed by a service at the Cenotaph.

Royal Canadian Legion, Branch 101

101 Church Street, Streetsville


Parade from Legion to Streetsville Cenotaph (Main Street) beginning at 10:30 a.m., followed by a service at the Cenotaph.

Royal Canadian Legion, Branch 82

35 Front Street North


Parade from Legion to Cenotaph (Stavebank Road) beginning at 9:30 a.m., followed by a service at the Cenotaph.

The (LEST WE FORGET) Mississauga Muse
Today's Torstar --Mississauga to see change *OUCH*

Mississauga to see change
Up to three councillors will be elected for the first time

McCallion, 85, expected to win and serve last term in office
Nov. 10, 2006. 01:00 AM

Change is rare on Mississauga council, but there will be new blood at city hall after Monday's election — just not a lot of it.

At least two new faces and possibly three will be elected to the 12-member council. It would be a significant change for the GTA's second-largest city and it signals the start of the race for a successor to Mayor Hazel McCallion in 2010. That's when several incumbents are expected to run for mayor.

That's assuming that McCallion, 85, wins the current election, as expected, and hangs up her chain of office at the end of her four-year term, just before her 90th birthday.

The last time three new people were elected to council was in 1988. Since then the city has grown to 700,000 people, forcing the addition of two new seats — Wards 10 and 11 — on council.

Ward 6 incumbent George Carlson represented the largest ward, with 135,000 residents. It's now been split, and since Carlson's home is in Ward 11, he'll run there.


That leaves Ward 6 wide open, with former Liberal MP Carolyn Parrish and ex-councillor Ron Starr, who served one term more than 25 years ago, as the front-runners. The Ward 10 contest has turned into a free-for-all involving 23 candidates.

As in other cities, most incumbents are expected to retain their seats. One possible exception is in the Malton area of Ward 5, where Eve Adams was the subject of criticism from McCallion and city manager Janice Baker for using her two staffers — paid for by taxpayers — to work on her current campaign.


An investigation by Baker and her auditors found that Adams violated the city's conflict-of-interest policy by ordering her executive and administrative assistants to perform such tasks as canvassing door-to-door and soliciting donations.

Despite the evidence, including written statements from the employees, Adams has denied any wrongdoing.

Ironically, it was a scandal that helped Adams unseat incumbent Clifford Gyles in 2003.

Gyles was convicted of municipal corruption for accepting bribes and was sentenced to 30 months in prison. But at the time of the election, he was out on bail pending an appeal (which he later lost) and entered the race. He finished sixth.

This time Adams faces nine challengers in her quest to retain the seat. They include Karam Singh Punian, who is believed to have support from the area's large South Asian community.

Eve Adams.... Like I said, "OUCH".

New topic:

OOOoooo what's THIS?

AH! Finally some EXCITEMENT coming out of Mississauga! Check this out! John Stewart has added SPIFF to his Blog! Tasteful blues and new formatting and WHAT'S THIS?!


ALL THE WAY BACK TO *GASP* SEPTEMBER 2005 when I wasn't even interested in municipal governance!

BOY, have I got a LOT of reading to do!

The (time to read John Stewart then watch Jon Stewart) Mississauga Muse
Re: John Stewart's BLOG --Nov. 13 looms large

November 10, 2006
Nov. 13 looms large

What a short, strange trip it’s been, to misquote The Grateful Dead.

This year’s municipal election campaign seems to have been a lot more cantankerous and chippy than past affairs. You almost feel like we should ask Ward 2 resident Don Cherry to do voice-over for Rock ‘Em, Sock ‘Em Mississauga ‘06.

Can’t you just hear it: Did you see the old grey mayor nail Eve Adams into the boards there, Ron? Geeze. Now, all you kids pay attention here. That’s the way you do it. Wait until the councillor has her head down kicking her staff across the blue line and then Wham, you give her the old what-for. ‘An she got a little elbow in there, like she always does. Geeze. That was a thing of beauty.’

The election has generally not been a thing of beauty, but then what blood sport is?

Some quick observations.

Why do so many candidates put forward their names and then do absolutely nothing to get themselves elected? If you don’t have enough energy to send a picture of yourself to the newspaper, put together a 300-word outline of your reasons for running or trundle down to Rogers Television to give a three-minute spiel, how can you expect to collect a single, solitary vote?

And what’s with Rick Falco, the former Catholic school trustee who went from the favourite to win the Ward 5 council seat in the last election to running a phantom campaign for the vacated Ward 6 Dufferin-Peel seat this time around?

The all-candidates’ forum, which is the single most effective way to judge candidates, is going the way of the passenger pigeon. How could we have a marquee council race in Ward 6 without having Carolyn Parrish cross-examined about her mayoralty ambitions or Ron Starr asked about the Optimist Club camp issue that resulted in police charges against him, which were later dropped?

The all-candidates’ problem is symptomatic of a much more serious issue, the demise/dormancy of so ratepayer groups that should be the lifeblood of community discourse. Their absence is particularly hurtful at election time.

Biggest disconnect of the campaign: All the candidates pushing more efficient, effective transit who are also adamantly opposed to any higher density development. To make transit work, intensification is required. We should be talking how and where, not if. This will be the hot button issue of the next four years. Smart growth means more density in established neighbourhoods and lots more angry ratepayers.

Best campaign piece I’ve seen: Wards 1-3 Catholic candidate Mario Pascucci’s clean, readable piece, featuring photos of every school in the wards, with updates on projects at each. Easy to read and not an inch of wasted space.

Most honest statement: ‘Barring an unforeseen miracle, I don’t think I’ll be elected Nov. 13 ‘Jason Roti, Ward 3 council candidate at an all-candidates’ Monday night.

Not to be outdone by Carolyn Parrish’s smart car,


mayoralty candidate Don Barber has been toodlin’ around town on a Segway,


the battery-powered two-wheel motor vehicle that is being tested as part of a pilot project just approved by the provincial government. ‘On a tight budget, you have to get people’s attention and this is fantastic for that’, said Barber as passing motorists honked their approval.

By way of a segue, Barber won’t be riding his rented vehicle into the Great Hall Monday night. He’s barred from the building as part of bail conditions on an assault charge that was laid following a council meeting in August.

Barber has asked City Hall to lift the ban for one night so he could attend on election night. He has received no answer. ‘They are in stonewall mode’, he says.

The candidate is angry that so few Mississaugans seem to know or care what happens Monday. ‘It’s time to wake up and treat the election as if it matters. We have people fighting and dying for democracy in Afghanistan and here at home we’re clueless. Something is going on and it has consequences.

So. Don Barber is quoted as saying:

‘It’s time to wake up and treat the election as if it matters. We have people fighting and dying for democracy in Afghanistan and here at home we’re clueless. Something is going on and it has consequences.

Time for my second editorial cartoon of the day.


A Twoonie says they'll keep Barber out.

The Mississauga Muse
Ward 7 -- s'more

In an October 23rd message, Re: Mississauga campaign news, Observer Walt wrote:

Taylor admittedly does make a good point or two, but be aware that as a former councillor, he may have an "axe to grind".

BTW the last I heard, he was not living in Mississauga. I wonder if he's moved back?

Don't know to what extent you're following Random Access. However, we can assume that yes, not only has Taylor moved back, but his "axe to grind" is in evidence as well.

November 6, 2006 CSI Cooksville

The gloves are off in Ward 7 and the bare knuckles are starting to draw a little blood.

The rancour of last week’s all-candidates’ session seems to have ratcheted up the ill will between incumbent Councillor Nando Iannicca and his chief opponent, Beju Lakhani, who has been running hard — with a lot of assistance from former Ward 4 Councillor and long-time NDP stalwart Larry Taylor — since June.

Then there's one other reference:

Taylor asks sarcastically whether the incumbent has permission of all of the developers throughout the ward to post only his signs.

Well, you figure that perhaps Taylor's sarcastic remark about Iannicca's exclusivity with developers is just a lot of ultra-sour grape-sucking.

So time to do a quick photo tour around Ward 7 and --

Re: Ward 7 -- s'more

So they're not French, it's not they country, and they're not located on estates.
Re: WARD 3 --continued

vistaway shared the following:

Our election choices for City Council.

I'm reposting with commentary/emoticons --

:D = I agree.
:evil = I disagree
|I - *yawn* was there a candidate running here?

Ward 1

Incumbent Carmen Corbasson

She has earned the trust of those she represents and clearly deserves their support again this time around.

No All-Candidates' debate.

Ward 2

Incumbent Pat Mullin

She's smart, well-informed and well-versed on issues in her constituency, the City and the Region, a palatable combination.

Handled the Ward 2 All-Candidates debate extremely well.

Ward 3

Incumbent Maja Prentice

However, (Peter) Ferreira's abysmal handling of finances at the Board, which resulted in the Ministry of Education sending in a "supervisor" to help trustees deal with an overwhelming deficit, would appear to make him a misfit on a City Council that prides itself on fiscal management.

Ward 3 All-Candidates debate. I was Underwhelmed but Peter Ferreira underwhelmed me even more.

Ward 4

Incumbent Frank Dale

While Dale's interests extend beyond the borders of his ward -- his record on City and Peel Region-wide issues is impressive -- his constituents have fared well under his representation.

No All-Candidates' debate. Never heard a peep from this dude either --not even a Rogers talking-head clip.

Ward 5

Sydney Weir or Sam Hanna

Clearly, Adams does not deserve another term at City Hall. Clearly, the residents of Ward 5 deserve better.

No All-Candidates debate --just a meet-and-great and even that was a mockery. It's just not possible to treat the Neediest of all the wards in Mississauga any more contemptuously. :(

Ward 6 (CHANGE)

Carolyn Parrish

Still, voters can be sure she'll fight on their behalf at City Hall. There's no doubt she'd shake up council.

Ron Starr

He has an impressive history of community involvement and political appointments, and strong ties to the "old guard" in the city...If you like the status quo, he is your man.

No All-Candidates' debate and this is a NEW WARD! I mean can you BELIEVE THAT?

A Ward 6 candidate complained about No Debates in John Stewart's Blog.

Olive Rose Steele:

Incumbents and Insider Trading? How about manditory Candidates Debate in every Ward

Jon, Its a real shame that Ward 6 will not have a Candidate Debate(Ward 6 is the ward within which I am running for Councillor). Erindale-Woodlands Community Association confirmed with me last week that they will not be hosting one.
As I knock on doors in Ward 6, residents ask me about my stance on issues, they make observations, and seek clarifications. It is a dis-service to residents that they will not be able to hear their candidates debate burning issues.

A candidate should not be allowed to slide through on a name recognition.

Posted by Olive Rose Steele | November 4, 2006 12:36 PM

Ward 7

Incumbent Nando Iannicca

If I read The Mississauga News correctly it's because:

None (of the challengers) has what it takes to sit on a council the size of Mississauga's.

making Iannicca:

the only viable candidate in the ward.

Ward 7 All-Candidates debate was nasty nasty nasty.

Ward 8 |I

Incumbent Katie Mahoney

Mahoney, [snip] has a strong history of community involvement, a wealth of knowledge about the ward and its needs and a proven track record.

No All-Candidates' debate. Even though I attend General Committee and Council meetings, I don't know her from a hockey puck. However, have to give her credit. She did bother to post a talking-head clip over at Rogers.

Ward 9

Incumbent Pat Saito
|I :D

-- arguably the strongest representative on council, is in a race with, arguably, the strongest contender in this municipal election.

I was surprised to read that because observing General/Council meetings I concluded that Iannicca was the strongest rep on council. Still, have to agree --Saito is sharp.

Ward 10 NEW WARD

The cast of thousands (23, actually) running in the new Ward 10 has muddied the waters for voters who know little about most of the candidates.

A few among the 23 who have tossed their hats into the Ward 10 ring stand out, McFadden and Hazineh among them.

In this election, our money is on McFadden, with Lawrence as a possibility.


Ward 11 NEW WARD

(Kind of Incumbent) George Carlson

George Carlson, currently the incumbent Ward 6 councillor, stands head and shoulders above the competition.

No All-Candidates' debate.


Mayor Hazel McCallion

McCallion is clearly the leader this city stills needs.

Mississauga had three mayoral debates which means if nothing else, Don Barber and Roy Willis cheated The Hazel out of three evenings of quiet time and a chance to put her feet up.

re: emoticons. Sorry about no emoticons for the other ward endorsements, but there's no barfing emoticon or one with a paper bag over its head. (Now that I'm committed to covering the Mississauga political landscape, I have to design them, I guess)

Anybody going to be at Corporation Hall at 8 tonight to watch Rogers televise live? I'm shooting video and will be posting "stuff" on YOUTUBE before the night's out.

The Mississauga Muse
City Hall Tonight

The Mississauga Muse I'll be making an apperance around 9:00PM

Also a group of the younger candidates are throwing a party at Enfield Fox behind Sussex Centre.

Miss. election

Mixed reactions: My candidate won, in Ward 3. The margin was wider than last time. :)

Eve Adams won, in Ward 5 :( That's what happens when the opposition is split into many parts. I can only hope that Eve has learned a lesson and will clean up her act now. We'll see.

Carolyn Parrish won, in Ward 6. :( I think she'll be a disruptive influence, and will start running for Mayor tomorrow. Maybe I'll be wrong. There was a much better candidate in this ward IMO.

Donald Barber got more votes than Roy Willis. This defies explanation.

Louroz: hope you won't get discouraged and that we'll see you again!!
