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News   Sep 06, 2024
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Miller wasting more money:

Good point, but its actually the worst recession in 80 years or possibly the worse one ever

You're talking out of your arse. Canada experiencing -0.5% growth this year is not 'the worst [recession] ever'. You're lapping up the media hysteria...
I hate High Park Nazis.

You're talking out of your arse. Canada experiencing -0.5% growth this year is not 'the worst [recession] ever'. You're lapping up the media hysteria...

Is there need for vulgarity? I too dont apreaciate the negativity by the Canadian media, as its only adding to the insecurity, but all leading economists I have heard in the last two months have predicted that its only going to get worse in the US, and our economy is directly linked to theirs. I work for one of Canada' leading non-bank securities dealership, and our advisors are having the worst RRSP season in any of their living memories. Some economists have predicted civil wars around the world due to the economy. The global extent of this will be worse then that of the 1930s unless the US economy stops bleeding jobs and US consumers start shopping again.
As far as your 'quarter million on cigarettes and wine' line, can I get some back-up on that? I did a google search and all I could find were right wing blogs and media comment pages railing about Miller's communist reign of terror.

Courtesy of Rob Ford's record on council votes. Yes...its Rob Ford's records, but if they were wrong then he'd be sued for libel. Its actual 80k, and not 250k. Yes I was wrong in the numbers, but its stil 80k a year being mispent. While you're there, check the other votes.
Scroll down to April-07
Is the Mayor splurging? It sure doesn't seem like it.

Have you seen the sweet union contracts as of late? The annual raises in their contracts are obscene. The GTA best clause in the ATU113's CBA with the TTC, etc etc

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The 14 million on a 24/7 311 call centre??? This vote was passed just 3 months ago.

60k on hiring an adviser to encourage Aboriginal youth not to smoke. Ironic since our city is spending 80k on free cigarettes to peope. Vote was passed 3 months ago.

Free Toronto Blue Jay baseball tickets to Councillors at a cost of $100,000

Free Metropasses at a cost of $54,000.00, yet they also get free parking at a cost of $10,000.00. If they wanted to know the true meaning of using the TTC then they should pay for it like the rest of us.
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Seems to be a lot less everywhere, than I remember 10, 15, 20, and even 25-years ago.

But you seem to see things most people don't see.

So, you've seriously have never been accousted by any beggars on the B/D line? Consider yourself lucky then. I asked a Special Constable about this, and he told me that they have seen the trend. He brought up the case of Grace the toonie lady, who keeps on getting caught and then released back into society just to end up back doing what she does. She also begs on the Dundas streetcar. An Operator friend of mine once had to confront her, as she boards from the back. Whenever she is spotted they call it in to Control so streetcar operators keep an eye out for her. She is that bad
I wish someone would tell the panhandlers / squeegee kids @ Queen & Spadina that they don't exist.

BTW nfitz are your figures seasonally adjusted?
Darren B:

Is there need for vulgarity? I too dont apreaciate the negativity by the Canadian media, as its only adding to the insecurity, but all leading economists I have heard in the last two months have predicted that its only going to get worse in the US, and our economy is directly linked to theirs. I work for one of Canada' leading non-bank securities dealership, and our advisors are having the worst RRSP season in any of their living memories. Some economists have predicted civil wars around the world due to the economy. The global extent of this will be worse then that of the 1930s unless the US economy stops bleeding jobs and US consumers start shopping again.

Yes, and I suppose the last 30 years of Neo-liberal economic "stewardship" and me first attitude had finally come home to roost. Blame the socialists for that, obviously. Hold on tight for the ride - you might be putting up with socialist styled economic intervention for a while. If not, I suspect your leading non-bank securities dealership might not be around for long. Funnily enough, it was the private sector that pulled the economic through during the Great Depression, right?

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Cancer rates are rising? Pfft, tell that to me, who does not have cancer. Or all my friends, who don't have cancer either. Way to be wrong again, "facts and logic".
So, you've seriously have never been accousted by any beggars on the B/D line?
I can't say I've ever been accosted by a begger in my life; approached perhaps, but not accosted - hmm, perhaps once on Queen West, about 5 years ago ... And I can't say I've ever encountered one on the B/D line ... and given I use it just about every day ... often late at night. I've seen a lot more pan handling on the New York subway than I've ever seen on the Toronto subway ... and I spend more time on the Toronto subway in a fortnight, than I have on the New York subway in my life.

You seem to have some very strange perceptions of the world you live in ... I have to wonder whose living in the basement here!

BTW nfitz are your figures seasonally adjusted?
Personal experience, that's all. It used to be every time I walked through Dundas station in the 1990s, there'd be at least one beggar out there; and I don't see it most times these days (though there is always one in front of Worlds Greatest Bookstore). And it seems you couldn't drive down Lakeshore through downtown without fighting off a half-dozen squeegee kids in warm weather ... and it's rare enough that I see that these days, that I'm actually surprised, and there is seldom more than one or two.
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Have you seen the sweet union contracts as of late? The annual raises in their contracts are obscene. The GTA best clause in the ATU113's CBA with the TTC, etc etc

Edit - more examples
The 14 million on a 24/7 311 call centre??? This vote was passed just 3 months ago.

60k on hiring an adviser to encourage Aboriginal youth not to smoke. Ironic since our city is spending 80k on free cigarettes to peope. Vote was passed 3 months ago.

What exactly does the "advisor" job entail? Depending on what's involved $60,000 might not exactly be a lot.

Free Toronto Blue Jay baseball tickets to Councillors at a cost of $100,000

Free Metropasses at a cost of $54,000.00, yet they also get free parking at a cost of $10,000.00. If they wanted to know the true meaning of using the TTC then they should pay for it like the rest of us.

You realize that perks like these have been part of the job long before Miller came to office, right?

Miller certainly isn't perfect but blaming everything on him is kind of silly.
