Northern Light
All gender is the correct term. There is at least 81 different genders. Not just male or female
81 Types of Genders & Gender Identities (A to Z List)
Examples of genders include male, female, transgender, cisgender, and gender non-conforming. We live in a world where gender identity is increasingly considered a cultural construct and fluid concept. And in fact, if we move
Except gender isn't relevant to washroom selection. Contrary to the opinion of backwards Republicans.
Washrooms have never excluded 79 genders, LOL
Some public washrooms were historically divided by sex, not gender.
Gender was not a consideration. No one was ever excluded based on gender, or included for that matter. What social conservatives, prudes and paranoid folks got their shorts in a knot over was whether
an anatomical male (sex) might choose to enter a washroom designated for women, presumptuously on the part of those alarmed for some untoward reason.
That never was a statistically significant issue. Nor does the sign on a door prevent anyone, irrespective of sex or gender from misbehaving.
As washrooms in many restaurants and workplaces and people's homes have always been just washrooms, the sex division was never really necessary.
It served to allow for the inclusion of urinals in the open in bathrooms designated male; and the inclusion of tampon disposal in women's rooms.
When going for single-person occupancy washrooms we can include w/e equipment anyone might reasonably need, and the washroom is unisex.
Shrug. I'm pro unisex, or gender-neutral washroom, whatever you wish to call it, and have been for decades, as I see no reason someone should wait extra long in a moment of need, because the empty washroom/stall next door has the wrong icon on the door.
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