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Mayor John Tory's Toronto

I take that to mean beer or wine. I don't know if they would ask you to prove somehow that a premixed cocktail was <15%, though it doesn't take much dilution to reduce liquor to that concentration.
"Formula E sets its sights on Toronto"? 😲 Are they targeting us to be their next dupes, after Montreal a few years ago?
No mention in the article of who might be behind this, though it seems about a year and half ago Toronto City Councillor Jennifer McKelvie requested that the Economic and Community Development Committee "investigate the potential to become a Formula E host city".
And about three years ago someone from the "Toronto Region Board of Trade" held a meeting "with senior Formula E staff".
I hope they've all looked up what happened in Montreal, and aren't seriously considering this unless it's completely clear that someone other than city would be paying for it. Magna International seems to have had some involvement in Formula E.

Edit (27 Apr 2021) : Apparently it is Vancouver, not Toronto, that is voting today on a motion to allow a Formula-E event there in July 2022, with Montreal-based promoters who call themselves One Stop Strategy Motorsports supposedly responsible for all the costs, although I do not see any mention of a corporate title sponsor. I guess it could be possible that one has been lined up but not yet announced, or maybe the lawsuit with the city of Montreal could be resulting in them strangely paying for an event in Vancouver?
Another edit: Motion passed in Vancouver.
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This was discussed today:

EC21.15Enjoying a Drink Outdoors: Providing Safe, Responsible and Equitable Options for All Torontonians (Ward All)

Not surprisingly it was shelved by a motion from Michael Thompson (the Chair) reading:

The Economic and Community Development Committee refer the item to the General Manager, Parks, Forestry and Recreation, the Executive Director, Municipal Licensing and Standards, and the City Solicitor, in consultation with the Medical Officer of Health, for consideration.
Whatever. People are going to drink in parks anyway, so eff Thompson.
Yeah, totally. It's going to happen whether some wealthy councillors like it or not.

But the issue now is that police still have the power to harass people for it, which will disproportionately affect groups like people of colour, LGBTQ+ people, etc, because they are more frequently targeted by the police. Which is why it's disappointing to see supposedly "progressive" councillors like Cressy vote against this measure.

Anyway, I'll just get me a nice big metal water bottle for this summer (assuming the government comes to it senses and lets us do things outside) and hope the police don't notice me and my friends are all pretty gay.
Yeah, totally. It's going to happen whether some wealthy councillors like it or not.

But the issue now is that police still have the power to harass people for it, which will disproportionately affect groups like people of colour, LGBTQ+ people, etc, because they are more frequently targeted by the police. Which is why it's disappointing to see supposedly "progressive" councillors like Cressy vote against this measure.

Anyway, I'll just get me a nice big metal water bottle for this summer (assuming the government comes to it senses and lets us do things outside) and hope the police don't notice me and my friends are all pretty gay.
Just having a gay old time.
Thompson trying to claim we aren't "the city of no" is hilarious, because that's exactly what we are.

Sooo.......Montreal allows drinking in parks, as long as one is also eating.........

But meh, Quebec is different....


Vancouver is currently allowing drinking in ~2 dozen designated parks..........

But meh....Vancouver is different....


But wait....hold on...


Yes....Yes its true...........Edmonton has lapped up on this issue too!


Is this issue terribly important? No, not really, not on my 'top 10' list of things that need doing.

But what it is, is low-hanging fruit; an easy way to make some people's lives just a bit more fun/easier; and to better manage police/by-law resources.

That we can't something so easy absurd.
But what it is, is low-hanging fruit; an easy way to make some people's lives just a bit more fun/easier; and to better manage police/by-law resources.
Especially in a pandemic where we should be doing anything possible to encourage people to spend time outside instead of inside. This is just going to push some people to gather indoors when they would have been safer outside in a park.

Honestly it should be such a no-brainer, but I guess this is what happens when you have a city where something like over 40% of people live in apartments/condos and yet almost none of city council does. I'm sure most of the councillors opposed to this are confused why people just can't use their own backyards, cus in their minds, everyone has one of those.
I'm sure most of the councillors opposed to this are confused why people just can't use their own backyards, cus in their minds, everyone has one of those.

Of that if they don't have one, they want one.

Disclaimer: I grew up on farm and now live in an apartment building; I'm quite happy to never do yard work, roof maintenance or snow shovelling ever again.
Especially in a pandemic where we should be doing anything possible to encourage people to spend time outside instead of inside. This is just going to push some people to gather indoors when they would have been safer outside in a park.

Honestly it should be such a no-brainer, but I guess this is what happens when you have a city where something like over 40% of people live in apartments/condos and yet almost none of city council does. I'm sure most of the councillors opposed to this are confused why people just can't use their own backyards, cus in their minds, everyone has one of those.
you can go outside and not consume alcohol -you don't have to drink.
Interesting Member Motion coming to Council this week. This may be the first time that the Gruesome Twosome from Etobicoke have ever pressed for MORE "streetcars"

Ward: All​
The Missing Link: Extending the Finch West LRT to the Kitchener GO Line - By Councillor Michael Ford, seconded by Councillor Stephen Holyday
* Notice of this Motion has been given.
* This Motion is subject to referral to the Executive Committee. A two-thirds vote is required to waive referral.
Councillor Michael Ford, seconded by Councillor Stephen Holyday, recommends that:

1. City Council request the Executive Director, Transit Expansion Office and the Chief Planner and Executive Director, City Planning, in consultation with the Toronto Transit Commission, to report to Executive Committee in fourth quarter of 2021, through the forthcoming Transit Priorities Report, on the feasibility of expanding the Finch West LRT south to connect to the Kitchener Go Line.​
