Senior Member
. The subway should not come first, not at the cost of the much more urgent Relief Line and its north expansion to Don Mills.
Part of the reason we have "protest" candidates so heavily supported in this City is because of these beliefs or misunderstandings that only Downtown expansion or issues are a "priority" and don't see the benefit in growing together. The City is massive and this type of rhetoric is the fuel driving the protest candidates. Its reverse campaigning.
Our Politics are polluted and we've constantly provoked to take a side and be angry at issues, instead of a positive approach of reaching out to bridge the gaps and differences. The media is Politicized on both sides in this City and unfortunately capitalizes financially off fueling division which hasn't helped. The Ford types are certainly problematic in some respects but these candidates are not the root of problem they are a bi-product of enough voices not being heard or being talked over. If they are even in the picture its a sign we need to do better.
Actually, you don't. Aside from the fact that the re-warding for the 2018 election should shift less of the power imbalance the suburbs has back to denser areas, protest voting is a problem and in sheer defiance of democracy as a whole. Ford was a protest vote. Trump was a protest vote. Protest-voting to fight against a tyrant/idiot being protest-voted into office ensures absolutely no one actually gets whats in their best interests.
While that may be good for Downtown in some respects it doesn't change growing apathetic "protest" Mayoral vote and could make it worse. If the time comes when the unimaus consensus votes from our large inner suburban councils are being trumped by outside areas than we are headed for far greater turbulence. This is good for no one.
The City has been underfunded by upper levels for decades. We need a more united voice to have our needs addressed and the internal banter of priority will only make matters worse. We really need to be more supportive of our various growth needs and differing lifestyles as the City evolves.
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