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News   Oct 01, 2024
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Marco Muzzo Impaired Driving Case

It's amazing the lengths that people will go defend alcohol, even in a thread about a case in which three children were killed by a drunk driver. Comparing alcohol to coffee??? Wow...

Would these 3 children still have been killed if Marco Muzzo has drunk coffee instead of alcohol? It sounds like the sort of question that someone who alcoholic and currently drunk out of their mind would actually seriously think about.

But let the eternal coffee vs. alcohol debate rage on. It's sad what alcohol does to people, that's all I have to say.

People are still going to drink if it's banned. Just like other banned substances. People will continue to put poison in their bodies if it's legal or not. People still drink and drive, people still text and drive. We should ban cars.

Car Accidents: Leading Cause of Childhood Deaths

Annual Global Road Crash Statistics

  • Nearly 1.3 million people die in road crashes each year, on average 3,287 deaths a day.
  • An additional 20-50 million are injured or disabled.
  • More than half of all road traffic deaths occur among young adults ages 15-44.
  • Road traffic crashes rank as the 9th leading cause of death and account for 2.2% of all deaths globally.
  • Road crashes are the leading cause of death among young people ages 15-29, and the second leading cause of death worldwide among young people ages 5-14.
  • Each year nearly 400,000 people under 25 die on the world's roads, on average over 1,000 a day.
  • Over 90% of all road fatalities occur in low and middle-income countries, which have less than half of the world's vehicles.
  • Road crashes cost USD $518 billion globally, costing individual countries from 1-2% of their annual GDP.
  • Road crashes cost low and middle-income countries USD $65 billion annually, exceeding the total amount received in developmental assistance.
  • Unless action is taken, road traffic injuries are predicted to become the fifth leading cause of death by 2030.
It's amazing the lengths that people will go defend alcohol, even in a thread about a case in which three children were killed by a drunk driver. Comparing alcohol to coffee??? Wow...

Would these 3 children still have been killed if Marco Muzzo has drunk coffee instead of alcohol? It sounds like the sort of question that someone who alcoholic and currently drunk out of their mind would actually seriously think about.

But let the eternal coffee vs. alcohol debate rage on. It's sad what alcohol does to people, that's all I have to say.

The point is simple -- there are many things that can potentially cause harm, and we cannot ban them all, nor can we prevent all tragedies. Muzzo could just as easily been reaching for a donut or speeding recklessly. Bad things are always a possibility when people act irresponsibly and stupidly.

Every single day, millions of people consume and enjoy their alcohol responsibly. And every single day, children (and other folks) are harmed or killed in circumstances where alcohol is not a factor.
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I really hope he gets more than a year or two. It's probably not likely, but if this isn't the kind of case where the judiciary can send a message about drunk driving, then what is?

The courts are still too lenient when it comes to allowing people to drive (again) when they do reckless, dangerous, lethal things. It's too much about how depriving someone of their driving privilege would be onerous in terms of their ability to make a living. That should be the whole point. Drink, drive, kill or maim someone? Lose the lifestyle you are accustomed to and take for granted.
I'm going to go out on a limb and say that I think they will make an example of him and give him at least 10 years. He's served roughly 4 mos and change and with time and a half he'll still be elligible for day parole not too far in and for full parole after that (usually day parole at a 6th and full at a third, mandatory parole at 2/3) . Ages ago I took a few criminology courses and one of the only types of crime influenced by sentencing (deterrence) was drunk driving. You don't need to ban alcohol, but numbers are up and it's time for some real sentencing/consequences. Maybe do checks at random times/days vs just holidays or weekends. ramp up anti drunk driving ads again and promote designated drivers etc
He took 4 lives and injured 2 other people, he'd better get more than 2 years.
What did he plead guilty of? Four counts of drunk driving causing death, two of drunk driving causing injury, careless driving (speeding, went through stop sign)? I'd he gets 6 years total, with double credit for time served, so he gets 5 years, of which 2 will be in prison, three more probation, with a 8 year driving ban.

This woman got six years for killing two folks , with credit for pretrial custody she got 4 years, of which no more than 2/3 were in prison. This is likely what we'll see.

What the driver should be thankful for is that the parents of the children he killed are so restrained. Imagine if their mother on live TV said something like, "I don't trust that the courts will find justice here, I therefore need the community to help a mother find closure after a killer takes her children". He'd would be dead in a week.
What the driver should be thankful for is that the parents of the children he killed are so restrained. Imagine if their mother on live TV said something like, "I don't trust that the courts will find justice here, I therefore need the community to help a mother find closure after a killer takes her children". He'd would be dead in a week.

Doubt that - first off, this is drunk driving causing death and wasn't some truly premeditated, heinous crime; second, money and connections buys protection.

The only thing this guy will be saddled with is his conscience and with the right amount of alcohol, that can be overcome.
Hopefully he's bounced out of Marel Contractors. A child-killing drunk can't be good for company optics.

This will of course eventually blow over, though the internet never forgets.
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