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Mammoliti-Ford Battle Continues


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Apr 23, 2007
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New York
Councillors feud over roadworks


Councillor Rob Ford shrugs as he is surrounded by shouting protesters yesterday at Weston Rd. and Sheppard Ave. in a bizarre exchange of insults and accusations. Councillor Giorgio Mammoliti said Ford shouldn’t meddle in his ward’s affairs. Ford accused Mammoliti of organizing the protest.
Denials and accusations as feuding councillors Mammoliti and Ford argue over road works

Aug 08, 2007 04:30 AM
Daniel Dale

In a bizarre 45 minutes of political farce yesterday, long-feuding city councillors Rob Ford and Giorgio Mammoliti managed to find a way to trade insults at the site of a road construction project they both support.

In summary: Ford (Ward 2, Etobicoke North) accused Mammoliti (Ward 7, York West) of being an unresponsive councillor, Mammoliti accused Ford of being a serial meddler in other councillors' affairs, Ford accused Mammoliti of organizing an anti-Ford protest, and Mammoliti accused Ford of organizing opposition to a Mammoliti-backed road resurfacing Ford says he actually likes.

This, all, while Ford stood, laughing and shrugging, at the closed-for-construction intersection in Mammoliti's ward – during a 50-person "Stay In Your Ward, Rob Ford" demonstration.

The pair never actually came in direct contact during the protest but exchanged barbs as they spoke to reporters separately.

The strange drama – which played out before a half-dozen bemused road workers – began around 11 a.m., when Ford arrived at Weston Rd. and Sheppard Ave. He was greeted by chanting, sign-carrying protesters.

"We didn't elect you," some yelled. "Go home, Rob Ford!"

"He came from another ward to interfere with our project here," said Mammoliti constituent Lou Santonato, who said he was the protest's organizer.

"I understood that, through his office, a news release was sent out that there was going to be a protest against the project going on here, and the rest of us heard about it. I organized the gathering here to express our views."

Ford, surrounded by booing protesters on the Weston Rd. sidewalk, said he has never opposed the project, never attempted to organize a meeting for its opponents.

He said he sent out neither a news release nor the flyers some protesters said they have received at their homes.

Ford said he thinks the project is "great."

He came to the closed intersection, he said, merely to "see what the situation is" at the request of three dissatisfied Mammoliti constituents who contacted him.

"Three people called me last week, they said meet me out here. So I'm meeting them out here! I didn't do anything wrong. I'll go to Scarborough, I'll go to downtown. I'll talk to any taxpayer. I'll go anywhere at any time."

Ford said Mammoliti, whose ward is adjacent to his, was the real protest organizer.

"No, the man from the moon did it. Of course he did it! C'mon," Ford said.

Hogwash, Mammoliti said after Ford drove away.

"How could that have happened? I just found out about it this morning. I was on vacation last week."

Mammoliti said Ford is a chronic ward-meddler who should stick to his own turf.

"It's not like this is the first time he's done it," he said.

"Talk to any councillor. They'll tell you. Talk to Howard Moscoe. Talk to Frances Nunziata. Talk to any of the local councillors (in whose wards) he has tried to intervene."

Ford and Mammoliti have battled for years. In 2002, Mammoliti, who is of Italian heritage, accused Ford of calling him a "Gino boy" during a council debate.

Last year, Mammoliti complained at council that Ford was using office space in an Etobicoke municipal building without paying for it.

And earlier this year, Mammoliti asked the city's integrity commissioner to examine whether Ford, who habitually reports using fewer than $10 of his $53,000 annual expenses budget, has breached city rules by buying supplies and throwing parties for constituents on his own dime.
Oh so comical.

The two deserve each other. They really do - they're both such useless twats. And the protestors only add to the comedy - as if they're not Mammoliti boot-lickers. Get a life.
What an absolute joke. Yet more proof that so many on this council are complete idiots.
What an absolute joke. Yet more proof that so many on this council are complete idiots.

yet they keep getting elected year after year. :confused::confused::confused:
they're spending 400 grand on that intersection!


it's not the focal point of anything.
Shepard Ave ends there and they likely want to make the intersection better.
The two of them would look fantastic in a nasty mud wrestling match. Maybe that could settle things.

If not, at least it would be entertaining(ish).
Shepard Ave ends there and they likely want to make the intersection better.

ya, but for what? to attract development? if they build anything there they will probably have to chop the whole intersection up again.
It's surprising that for people who think BIG on this board, they don't seem to spend as much time thinking LONG... term.

Mr. Giorgio spent almost a decade getting that super-development on the south-east side of Weston/Sheppard (anyone remember Woolco?) rezoned and approved. In the meantime the old St. Basil The Great high school north campus (who remembers the 'niner' campus at Weston/Wilson?) became the Humber-Sheppard Community Centre. This by the way is the location where 'his smugness' gets to park his SUV and call home. If Rob Ford wants to keep playing on his buddy's turf (big no-no among council!) he should look into what kind of clearly 'not-for-profit' businesses are allowed to run out of that place. It could get more fun.

Anyways, Giorgio's next step was to get the cobble stone road...


Then work on 'cleaning up' Emery Village...

Then properly rename the community centre...

And finally the end vision... Knocking down the old community centre and putting up a garish palace or castle (complete with it's own already existing and massive pond) to properly house 'His Smugness'. And it's perfectly located at the head of a 3 way intersection where all his superfans can easily come, congregate and kiss his... ring.

I haven't seen the plans on the vision yet, but I can't wait. These guys always exceed expectations!
The article with the pic is found here...

Tempers flare over intersection project

Right now no traffic can't get through the intersection. A traffic nightmare at the moment. The worst is for those coming off the 401 and trying to find a way to easily get north of Sheppard. You can only backtrack to Wilson and then find a way over if you know Arrow Rd.

But again, the headache and cost is all worth it! :rolleyes:
Libraries and transit lines are threatened with closure so that silly cobblestone pet projects can go forward...wonderful!
