Senior Member
LIKE --particularly RBC stairs and sculptures.
Thanks, Goldie!
LIKE --particularly RBC stairs and sculptures.
"Downtown Dock" -- MAGNIFICENT!
"Here We Are - Times Square. That'll be $14.50" by kotsy, on Flickr
Tower Steps by kotsy, on Flickr
Killing Time by kotsy, on Flickr
Concrete Hall by kotsy, on Flickr
Golden Gate Trail by kotsy, on Flickr
Game Day by kotsy, on Flickr
My Best Dam Photo by kotsy, on Flickr
Kotsy - Very, very(!) cool picture of the Hoover Dam! I see you've been travelling around the U.S.! Good for you! With the CAD strengthening it's a good time for Canadians to venture south! Safe travels!
Thanks, buddy! I did the mother of all US trips in May. Flew out to San Francisco and took a train all the way to NYC with stops in Denver and Chicago. The train journey is all "The California Zephyr" and the scenery from SF to Denver is nothing short of incredible! Highly recommended! I want to do the same thing in Canada sometime in the next few years.
Should I Pull Ahead? by kotsy, on Flickr
Midway Crowds by kotsy, on Flickr
From The Wheel by kotsy, on Flickr
3 Rides by kotsy, on Flickr
Remix by kotsy, on Flickr
Fire Ball by kotsy, on Flickr
Just For Fun by kotsy, on Flickr
kotsy, did you take many pix from the train? ie through the windows? I recently had a train ride from montreal and the windows were unfortunately very rain stained and I found it hard to focus outside of the car.....