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John Tory: Four Time Loser

John Tory lost my vote forever when he proposed public funding for madrassas and other religious schools.

Mine too, and I was pushing for him to win before he announced it. My discontent with the Tories on this one goes back to the Bill Davis years.
John Tory lost my vote forever when he proposed public funding for madrassas and other religious schools.

I think people misunderstood the whole religious schools thing. Schools like Havergal, Royal St. George's College and BSS would NOT be considered "religious schools" despite having an affiliation with the Anglican church. The alumni of these schools would not have it.

As for Tory himself, I think the media not liking his so-called "privileged upbringing" ruined him as well.
What a loser, after that embarrassing loss to mcguinty he should have packed in his political career
I think people misunderstood the whole religious schools thing.
I didn't. I particularly did not want funding of Islamic Madrassas in Ontario. As a father of young girls myself, I want to ensure that all Ontario's girls are completely removed from Sharia and misogynistic Islamic extremism (even if that represents only a minority of the Islamic schools in ON we'd fund, it's too many for me). Nor, do I want extreme-right Christian groups to gain public funding of their efforts to segregate their kids from everyone else, also with misogynistic undertones.
I didn't. I particularly did not want funding of Islamic Madrassas in Ontario. As a father of young girls myself, I want to ensure that all Ontario's girls are completely removed from Sharia and misogynistic Islamic extremism (even if that represents only a minority of the Islamic schools in ON we'd fund, it's too many for me). Nor, do I want extreme-right Christian groups to gain public funding of their efforts to segregate their kids from everyone else, also with misogynistic undertones.

But the schools have to teach the Ontario curriculum. There's no way they can get away with that (I went to a Catholic school from Grades 1 to 5 and outside of "religion" (which mostly consisted of a rep from the Parish coming in to read the Gospel for the upcoming Mass), I learned the exact same things as my public school friends (except I started French in Grade 1 while they started a few years later)) I'm not sure if the schools would be allowed to teach so-called "extremism" because the Ministry of Education will be controlling what they can and cannot teach.
Tory was somewhat justified in the sense that it IS unfair that Ontario has publicly-funded Catholic schools but not Jewish, Muslim, Hindu, etc schools. His mistake was that he came to the wrong conclusion. We don't need to extend funding to all religious schools, but rather kill our Catholic school system.
I too think the religious schools debate got grossly exaggerated, mainly by McGuinty who was looking for a way to change the election issue from his own anemic first term to a political Chernobyl on Tory's part. The threat of religous extremism benefiting from the funding strikes me as low. If you are the type of parents, like the Khadrs say, who would want to send your kid to extreme religious school, chances are you will just have them go to a private religious school anyways or send them to your country of origin to be educated. At least by enticing already existing religious schools to accept the offer, you would force them to adopt the Ontario curriculum and all of conditions that go with it.

Thats not to say I supported the idea, I just didn't think it was the big deal it got made out as. In retrospect I can quite easily say that issues like the economy were completely ignored by McGuinty, via the religious school debate.
Tory was somewhat justified in the sense that it IS unfair that Ontario has publicly-funded Catholic schools but not Jewish, Muslim, Hindu, etc schools. His mistake was that he came to the wrong conclusion. We don't need to extend funding to all religious schools, but rather kill our Catholic school system.

You mean publicly-funded Catholic schools. If they get rid of the Catholic school system, a handful will likely survive as private schools. Loretto Abbey would probably be one of them.
How you can say "this is not a stupid" guy with the record he has? I have never understood the respect this man is given. Everything he touches turns to shit.

I say good riddance.

I said his political campaign record sucks. Beyond that he is an intelligent person.
The real problem with John is that he does not play politics well.
Agreed. It was a poorly thought out policy. And it's too bad it cost him the election.

I didn't. I particularly did not want funding of Islamic Madrassas in Ontario. As a father of young girls myself, I want to ensure that all Ontario's girls are completely removed from Sharia and misogynistic Islamic extremism (even if that represents only a minority of the Islamic schools in ON we'd fund, it's too many for me). Nor, do I want extreme-right Christian groups to gain public funding of their efforts to segregate their kids from everyone else, also with misogynistic undertones.

we may not agree on everything but we sure do agree on some important things.
Tory was somewhat justified in the sense that it IS unfair that Ontario has publicly-funded Catholic schools but not Jewish, Muslim, Hindu, etc schools. His mistake was that he came to the wrong conclusion. We don't need to extend funding to all religious schools, but rather kill our Catholic school system.

Okay, back in the day Catholics were, believe it or not, highly ostracized in our society, this was during the time after Confederation when Irish immigrants were coming to Canada due to famine in Ireland. Ontario was, at the time, mostly Protestant. In 1867 Catholics were granted their own school board. Nowadays there isn't much prejudice demonstrated against Catholics, so it seems weird that their schools have funding and not other faiths. But Irish Catholics were severely discriminated against because of their faith, in fact all Catholics in Canada were discriminated against, there just were a lot of Irish Catholics so they got the brunt.
Okay, back in the day Catholics were, believe it or not, highly ostracized in our society, this was during the time after Confederation when Irish immigrants were coming to Canada due to famine in Ireland. Ontario was, at the time, mostly Protestant. In 1867 Catholics were granted their own school board. Nowadays there isn't much prejudice demonstrated against Catholics, so it seems weird that their schools have funding and not other faiths. But Irish Catholics were severely discriminated against because of their faith, in fact all Catholics in Canada were discriminated against, there just were a lot of Irish Catholics so they got the brunt.

Well, sure, and I understand why the publicly-funded Catholic Board system was created. In essence, we had publicly-funded Protestant and Catholic school systems. Over time, the Protestant system became secularized. The Catholic system never did.

It's something that needs to be addressed. The United Nations has condemned us twice over for still having this stupid vestige of the nineteenth century.
