Comparing Steve to Trudeau, eh?
I'm glad you beat me to it with your post, spmarshall.
Comparing Trudeau to Harper can done far more easily with respect to opposing points of view. That's pretty much it.
Comparing Steve to Trudeau, eh?
Unlikely with this present group of Liberals. Harper can't wait to have an election, while the Libs and likely BQ are terrified it will come too soon. Layton's NDP is the only opp. party that may gain in the next election. I like Layton myself, as he's always stood up for his principles and doesn't waiver on policy due to polls and speculation. I don't agree with his politics, but do respect his integrity.Hopefully the Liberal party gets some spine and doesn't let Harper run the government like he has a majority.
Well, I doubt the Liberals much care or respected contrary points of view when in 1982 they moved legislative and constitutional oversight and final word from Parliament to the Courts. I imagine the Liberals simply said these are our beliefs, and this is what we're going to do, and to heck with any opposing views. "Just watch me" was the mantra of the day I believe.You would say very unlikely, and I view that as possible - particularly with social conservatives who will argue on the basis of their beliefs, and not on the basis of reason or the respect of contrary points of view.
but more so due to disenfranchised former Liberal and BQ voters.