This is not about killing a handful of terrorists. Nor is it about protecting the world from terrorism. This is, very simply, about the government of a particular country, Israel, doing what it thinks it needs to do to ensure its future security. There's no need to justify what you are asking, because it just isn't the point: Israel isn't a neutral body, and they aren't out to save the world from terrorism. They do, however, have a responsibility to their own country, to protect it as best they can.Rather than answer your question, I am still waiting for a justification (from anyone) for the killing of a large number of civilians, all in the name of killing what has so far amounted to a handful of terrorists. Yes, the Israeli government is doing something about fighting terrorism, but in carrying out its actions it is generating an ever larger number of civilian injuries and deaths.
That is, you keep talking about this as if this whole thing is about eliminating terrorists. But that's not what it is at all. If a non-terrorist sovereign country had attacked Israel, they also would have been obligated to respond to that. This attack happens to have come from terrorists, but the response is about protecting Israel not about eliminating terrorism.
Which is why I think the question that I asked is completely relevant. You're saying that what they are doing is wrong (immoral, illegal, whatever) because they have killed more people than they have protected. However: if Israel had responded to the initial attack by swapping prisoners, then there's a good chance that Hezbollah would just continue to kidnap prisoners again and again, while all the time amassing more weapons along the border. And if they had enough weapons, then there's a good chance they would eventually try to destroy Israel (after all, that's part of their mission statement).
What's going on now is bad, there's no question about that. But what would have been better?