A $40 billion investment in nuclear power is more about employment than it is about power generation. OPG employees 1000's of people trained to work with the systems in place. What happens to pipe fitters, nuclear sceinitists and all of those chemical an mechanical engineers if the province abandonded nuclear? Not to mention all of those construction jobs. Many of the older employees, of which there are many, would be out of work, or at least need retraining.
A recent report mentioned that a private firm wants to build 140 windmills, enough power for 200,000 homes, off shore near Belleville at the cost of $1 billion. based on these costs, $40 billion would help to provide enough power for 8,000,000 homes. Add to this conservation, small localized generation and I see no reason for nuclear. They should also be encouraging industry into adopting self contained alternative generation systems. Why couldn't a Honda plant generate it's own power via, wind, solar and hydro were possible? We're being duped by a government not willing to change for political reasons. Gee, thats never happened before.