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News   Oct 01, 2024
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News   Oct 01, 2024
 735     0 our cities...soldiers with guns...



Thought i would post some links about the ad that never was.

When the liberals issued their attack ads yesterday they included one on a CPC policy announcement that they wanted to establish presence of regular CF forces (~100 persons) in the major cities to allow them to perform emergency duties in the case of emergencies such as natural disasters, etc.

The ad can be viewed here

The policy seemed to be innocuous and no one paid attention to it. Until now. The liberals pulled the ad off of their site in a matter of hours after taking heat for the ad.

After the debate last night Mike Duffy of CTV wigged out on Liberal strategist John Duffy (the blind stupid idiot who afterthefact agreed with Scott Reid's "beer and popcorn" pronouncement of several weeks back) after the latter Duffy supposedly tried to push the former into not mentioning the ad. The video can be found
here (some conservative website is hosting it - as you might imagine they are rather enjoying themselves).

At the end of the say this really isn't any worse than any other negative ad that is out there but I have to admit it is a bit creative and the liberals have clearly derailed thier own campaign with the story now seemingly about thier pulled at (memories of Chretien's face ad in '93)

On top of that the liberal platform was leaked this morning and all the news media are leading with a policy they haven't announced.

As this news is all rather saddening, I thought i would cheer every one up with a picture of Duceppe as a young man.

All the Tories have to do is run an ad showing soldiers in Montreal during the October Crisis, fade to a photo of Pierre Trudeau with his quote about "Yes, well there are a lot of bleeding hearts around who just don't like to see people with helmets and guns. All I can say is, go on and bleed", and run a tag line that goes: Now, who really was the last party to send soldiers into our cities with guns?

All the Tories have to do is run an ad showing soldiers in Montreal during the October Crisis, fade to a photo of Pierre Trudeau with his quote about "Yes, well there are a lot of bleeding hearts around who just don't like to see people with helmets and guns. All I can say is, go on and bleed", and run a tag line that goes: Now, who really was the last party to send soldiers into our cities with guns

The trouble with this type of histrionics is that it gets everyone nowhere fast. Trudeau was speaking during a very unusual time in the country. What most don't remember was that there were hundreds of bombings in Quebec carried out by an organization that would easily qualify as terrorists by any contemporary standards. The army in Quebec never arrested anyone. It was the Quebec Provincial Police under the control of a very freaked out Robert Bourassa that went overboard with arrests.

As for the Liberal ad, that's the danger of negative ad campaigns. You can manage to piss off the wrong people - like in this case the military. Depending on how one interprets what the ad says, it suggests the potential for military control or take-over at the behest of a Conservative government. In turn, this alludes to an idea that the military would happily go along with naughty conservative asperations to limit civil rights and so on.

One hundred military people in large cities - is a useless idea. It provides no sense of what they would be doing there in the first place. Which military people? From what branch? With what kind of equipment? How much would it cost the military to set itself up in such a way? I'm sure they have better use for their resouces, people and funding. The Liberals should have focussed on the vagueness of these so-called policy statements, rather than playing on fears.
The Liberals would have got more mileage by simply posing the question... "why not use police?" than painting a picture of militia in the street. I don't think army can claim to be as well qualified for dealing with issues that occur in the city as police who deal with it every day. What is the point of militia being permanently located in the city when they can fly, drive, or boat there quickly. If the military which is supposed to be readily deployable anywhere in the world can't get from Borden or Trenton to Toronto then there is something wrong with them.
It was an odd tack as the Tories purpose in moving the armed forces closer to cities was clearly not to potentially attack the general public with arms. Most people would probably see that so it was a stretch from the get go. For me, it is reassuring that the Veterans are one group that are almost universally supported and the general public will not tolerate them being vilified or 'used' in any way. That is nice, b/c these old guys gave up a lot back in their day and we as a nation don't reflect on that nearly enough (IMO). Further it is a sign at how poorly run this version of the Libs are -and I guess is a learning experience for me on how much things can change during an election if you do and say the right things as opposed to doing and saying the wrong things. Remember when we started this thing the Liberals were the ones with an almost 10 point lead.
Another phenomenally idiotic ad by the Liberals. Somehow they think there's some great PR in offending the military and their families during an election campaign on the day their platform gets... leaked. At this point Martin is simply asking to get a boot from the electorate.
At this point Martin is simply asking to get a boot from the electorate.
It is interesting how campaigns twist in the wind. At one time, Martin was seen as the saviour after years of Cretein's poor mgmt, and now he is looking like a wasted old man. On the other hand, Harper is no longer looking very scary, and seems to have matured politically.
I found the below conservative ad on this subject, it's rather well done in my view..

Your a Neo-Con I am guessing?

Its funny how now that Harper has taken the lead, the Neo-Con's have come out of the woodwork en masse after being in hiding for so long. Not that I care since one can just ignore them, but I get really frustrated when so many of them believe that firing one liners and recycling talking points actually qualifies as political debate.
Your a Neo-Con I am guessing?
Sorry, if I'm wrong, but is not the correct grammar "you're a Neo-Con...."?

What is a Neo-Con? Are there Neo-Liberals, or Neo-NDPs? Is anyone who votes for the Conserative Party a Neo-Con?
The ad was brilliant. I also think that NDP ads are spot on too.
