Especially a project of this gargantuan magnitude.
I said it when this news first broke and I'll say it again now; Murray bought off more than he could chew with this HSR project. All the Liberals would've needed was frequent electrified GO service, with EMUs running at reasonably high speeds, to KW. Sure I'm a proponent of HSR getting people off of highways, but let's be honest with ourselves here, do we truly see TGVs racing through southwestern Ontario any time soon? I don't see it as likely for now. And if HSR comes, it would be exponentially more useful in a Toronto to Ottawa or Montreal route than to London.
To close my ramblings, let's just say that although some kind of HSR or provincially funded service to replace VIA in this province (which is pretty crappy, let's not lie) is a great direction for us to take, but I can't help but think that AD2W electrified GO service on every line plus a Bolton Line and maybe a Seaton Line would've been a more noble goal than throwing so many eggs in an HSR basket.
That all being said, I still like the HSR idea. Paradoxically.