A slightly less `Just Society'
Oct. 2, 2006. 01:00 AM
Recognizing that it was bigger, richer and stronger than anyone whose rights it might contravene, the government of Canada did a remarkable thing in 1978. It created the Court Challenges Program.
This allowed citizens to fight discriminatory treatment in the courts. It provided funding so they could hire a lawyer and present their case effectively. It gave Canada's Charter of Rights and Freedoms, which came along four years later, real teeth.
Human rights activists around the world praised Canada for its enlightened approach. Constitutional scholars applauded the government for offering disadvantaged minorities the opportunity to use the Charter. Women, individuals with disabilities, gays and lesbians, and people of colour felt they had a role in shaping the nation's values.
Naturally, there were naysayers. They regarded the program as a left-wing conspiracy, a waste of tax dollars and a sop to aggrieved interest groups.
But the new program took root and blossomed.
The naysayers are now in power. Last week, the government of Stephen Harper killed the Court Challenges Program.
It was one of the 63 spending cuts announced by Finance Minister Jim Flaherty and Treasury Board President John Baird.
The elimination of the groundbreaking program — axed once before by Brian Mulroney but reinstated by Jean Chrétien — won't make a significant difference to the government's bottom line. At a cost of $2.75 million a year, it represented approximately seven minutes' worth of federal spending.
But it will change the power balance in Ottawa.
Individuals or groups seeking to challenge legislation they consider unconstitutional — from the paternalistic Indian Act to restrictive security policies — will find it harder to mount a court case. There will be fewer equality judgments coming out of the Supreme Court. The majority view will prevail more often and more easily over the needs of vulnerable minorities. The so-called "Charter Era," in which fundamental rights were exercised, debated and defined, will fade into history.
David Baker, who specializes in disability law, was heartsick when he heard the news. He has used the Court Challenges Program to win sign language interpretation for deaf clients, to require VIA Rail to make its trains wheelchair accessible and to ensure that caregivers get fair pensions.
"I have a huge concern that these kinds of cases won't go forward now," he said.
Even if lawyers were willing to argue equality cases pro bono, he said, they'd still have to come up with tens of thousands of dollars to bring in expert witnesses and get technical documents. "That's asking more than a firm like mine could handle."
To Lorne Sossin, associate dean of law at the University of Toronto, the loss of the Court Challenges Program represents a weakening of one of the cornerstones of Canadian democracy.
"The courts were a place where people who might be excluded or left behind had a venue to be heard," he said. "Now, your seat at the table will be defined by your market power."
Sossin would have welcomed a public debate on the effectiveness of the 28-year-old program. But the government axed it without a word.
The setback came at a dispiriting time for human rights advocates.
In Ontario, low-income groups, people with disabilities and representatives of racial minorities are battling a government plan to strip the province's human rights commission of its power to investigate complaints and act as an advocate for citizens seeking justice.
The British Columbia government has already abolished its human rights commission, leaving residents to argue their case before a provincial tribunal.
The courts at all levels have become too expensive for many citizens. Chief Justice Beverley McLachlin warned, at this summer's meeting of the Canadian Bar Association, "our justice system is becoming less and less accessible to more and more Canadians. We cannot, I believe, allow this to continue."
And the Harper government is systematically excising programs designed to boost those with limited economic and political bargaining power. It has cancelled a five-year agreement between aboriginal leaders and first ministers to deliver help and hope to Canada's indigenous peoples. It has chopped funding for early learning and adult literacy. It is paring women's programs, youth employment initiatives and support for volunteerism.
The government's explanation: They weren't providing "good value for money."
That depends, of course, on what a nation values.
Canada once aspired to be a Just Society. Now, judging by the actions of its political leaders, it seeks to be a land where the strong, privileged and lucky get ahead.
Carol Goar's column appears Monday, Wednesday and Friday.