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H1N1 Info You Should Know

more work makes elected officials happy!

What the hell?

you heard it right. the government plans to wipe out the ignorant. that way during election time, all voters will consist of highly educated people who are excellent debaters and capable of critical thinking.
There's something kind of delightful about the H1N1 vaccine being some sort of government plot to wipe out the population that they then went and totally bungled the distribution of.

If you're going to inject poison into people's veins, pick a poison that is more readily available.
Reading this thread makes me very happy I studied science in university. Lots of ignorance out there... whew!
I got my shot at Metro Hall today - the wait was just over an hour ( seated, most of the time ) and I chatted amiably to a nice old gent as we progressed from one seating area to the next. A pleasant enough way to while away the lunch hour.
I got my shot at Metro Hall today - the wait was just over an hour ( seated, most of the time ) and I chatted amiably to a nice old gent as we progressed from one seating area to the next. A pleasant enough way to while away the lunch hour.

Oh dear! We better start organizing the Urban Shocker Memorial Service right now. You surely won't be with us for long, another victim of the grand vaccination conspiracy. I assume it will be quite the social event, with people hoping to see and been seen.

Speaking of which, a Building Babel Memorial might have been appropriate at one time, but I assume that ship has sailed.
Before my friend Alex Wong wasted away from AIDS in 1994 he specified that all the flowers at his funeral must be white, so my partner and I made sure we had 34 long stemmed white roses delivered to the funeral home. They looked lovely, and were given pride of place at the head of his ghoulish open casket. When I visited him at Casey House a couple of weeks before he died, he opened a bedside drawer and showed me the scripts for both of the eulogies that were to be read at his funeral - and the wording of neither was changed on the day. He decreed the menu choices we were to select from at the fancy Chinese restaurant we went to after the funeral. My partner Ambrose was suitably dismissive of most of our fellow mourners as we drove off in convoy to the cemetery - "They're dressed for a fashion show, not for a funeral ..." - but as a pallbearer I was so upset by the whole thing I almost lost my footing and fell into the grave as we manoeuvred the casket across uneven ground in the chilly April air. "Dress like a man, cry like a lady ..." was Ambrose's later description of my behaviour. I must admit I made a lovely mourner - dark clip-ons over my prescription glasses, a sober dark suit, pale as death warmed over myself, and barely able to control my grief.

Should I feel the end is drawing near, l'll post the elaborate mourning requirements - dress code etc. - on my little Neighbourhood Watch ghetto thread.
I prefer no vaccine and unless there's an absolute pandemic of something where death is almost assured I will never submit myself to such a thing.

Just out of curiosity, why would you "submit" to a vaccination at all if you don't believe in the efficacy of such a preventative intervention? Sounds like you hedging your bets: right now, you don't believe in vaccines, but if you deem it to be bad enough, you will readily become a "believer" in vaccination.
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Please let us know all the details! I'm curious to hear a personal account.

Ok. It was different from other flues in that it started with a cough (out of nowhere). A dry one. Usually I get the cough, post flu or cold because I smoke when I'm sick. Need to get my vitamins from somewhere!

As a smoker and hypochondriac I automatically assumed it was tell tale signs of lung cancer and fretted all day. I didn't feel all that bad until the evening and then started to feel crappy. Mostly a feeling of wanting to vomit (you know when you can feel it in your mouth?) Appetite is somewhat affected but not too much. Avoiding dairy!

Next day I had more mucus and for the past 2 days have just felt dumpy and lethargic. Slight fever but nothing significant.

Overall if I were to give it a rating of flues I've had, I'd give it a 5 or 6 out of ten. A ten being a flu that makes you wish for death.

Apparently I'm contagious for up to 7 days after showing symptoms!
Ok. It was different from other flues in that it started with a cough (out of nowhere). A dry one. Usually I get the cough, post flu or cold because I smoke when I'm sick. Need to get my vitamins from somewhere!

As a smoker and hypochondriac I automatically assumed it was tell tale signs of lung cancer and fretted all day. I didn't feel all that bad until the evening and then started to feel crappy. Mostly a feeling of wanting to vomit (you know when you can feel it in your mouth?) Appetite is somewhat affected but not too much. Avoiding dairy!

Next day I had more mucus and for the past 2 days have just felt dumpy and lethargic. Slight fever but nothing significant.

Overall if I were to give it a rating of flues I've had, I'd give it a 5 or 6 out of ten. A ten being a flu that makes you wish for death.

Apparently I'm contagious for up to 7 days after showing symptoms!

have you been tested and confirmed with H1N1?
Yay! I have swine flu so there's no need for me to debate whether to get the shot or not!

They say that you should still get vaccinated, in case it is not H1N1, but that you should wait until after your symptoms disappear.
Yay! I have swine flu so there's no need for me to debate whether to get the shot or not!


Your symptoms sounded like mine. Cough started Nov. 03 but I had I HIGH fever between 38.5 and 39.5 (!02F and 103.5F) for days And Nausea without vomiting.. I felt so bad that by Fri. Nov 06 I dragged myself to the emergency at 4:30 in the morning... They put me on IV fluids but said Tamiflu is best taken within 48 hrs of illness so they didn't bother. Chest X-rays showed no pneumonia or infection.

18 hours later I was released... Shaky, drained, white as a ghost but ambulatory. They said if my symptoms get worse to come back...

By Wed Nov. 11 I thought the worst was over I felt much better and being a warm day, I went for a walk to get some fresh air. BIG MISTAKE!!!!

That night my fever came back like a freight train... 40C (104F) Tylenol, Aspirin nor Advil would reduce it. I wanted to die. I suffered like that for a few more days because I didn't feel well enough to drag myself back to the Hospital. But A fever of 39 for a week, practically not eating and every joint sore as hell is a great motivator...

I went back to the Hospital and this time along with the IV fluids they through in IV Antibiotics. (There was a shadow on my chest X-ray... apparently the secondary bacterial infection that is the real killer had settled in my lungs.) Another 18 hours and my fever was down again and I was released. That was Monday Nov. 16.

Now another week has gone by and today I am finally feeling almost normal. So that was 3 weeks of Hell. As flus go I rate it up there around an 8.

Just out of curiosity, why would you "submit" to a vaccination at all if you don't believe in the efficacy of such a preventative intervention? Sounds like you hedging your bets: right now, you don't believe in vaccines, but if you deem it to be bad enough, you will readily become a "believer" in vaccination.

I think that's a safe bet :)
I have faith in my immune system, but if there's some kind of biological warfare going on where our only real protection is a vaccine, then yes I would get it :D
