However, the real time savings for many here was from the fact the bus made stops in Hamilton both on the way in and out of the City, some of which are quite far from either GO station, and those further reduced the time-wasting "first mile" and/or "last mile" travel portions of the trip. Indeed, that first stop inbound to Hamilton on Main Street West would often see half of the passengers get off the bus, and it's still a good 8-10 minutes drive away from the GO Station, or 20-25 minutes on the HSR (which didn't have any direct connection there , so there is both a perception of loss from that, and from those far-off-peak trips that just blew past the milk-run trains, especially weekend mornings and late-evenings. I note the planned LRT in Hamilton would increase connectivity at that stop (or the next one where there is an LRT station).