Senior Member
This is a bit of a misnomer. Yes, Hawker Siddeley designed an EMU based on the BiLevel (although with some design differences to fit all of the additional equipment necessary to make them so). But the BiLevel coaches as built for GO were not designed to be converted to EMUs.Hawker Siddeley (the original manufacturer for these cars) originally designed them to be very modular, the Series 1 cars when they were first built had provisions for EMU conversion inside of them, however I assume after multiple rebuilds those provisions no longer exist or would work with modern tech.
GO studied converting the Bi-Levels into EMU’s in a 1980 study and concluded that it would be too complicated and wouldn’t work with a lack of space in the cars for EMU equipment.
My understanding of the GO studies was not that the cars were to be retrofitted/rebuilt into EMUs, but more something akin to what NJT is doing, and coupling existing unpowered coaches with newly constructed power cars.