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News   Sep 26, 2024
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GO Transit: Construction Projects (Metrolinx, various)

Steeles is getting separated. Toronto is leading the project however from my understanding, with Metrolinx contributing capital. They are in the process of updating the Environmental Assessment right now.

We are at the point in the GTA where we should be eliminating all crossings at grade and securing the entire rail infrastructure. The only variable is the priority ranking, and how fast we can afford to do this. Crossings at grade made sense in the days of yore, but not in an urban area this intensely developed.

- Paul
I know the Kerr Street grade separation is Town of Oakville-led. Detailed design is supposed to be done by now.
If I remember correctly, 2012 or 2014 was the time frame that it was to be built by.

I need to find the photos of the condo at Sheppard & Kerr, as I think it will now have an impact on the new intersection even with allownace for it.

I would love to see Stavebank grade separated years ago when they were building the 3rd track at the time.

Mississauga Rd on the Milton line will be a bitch to separate, but need to happen. I agree on Erindale and Wolfdale, but will have an impact on the community.

In the end, someone needs to come up with a ranking systems for all the crossing based on needs, time frame to build them, with cost being the lowest ranking at the end of the day. Sooner it gets done, the sooner we can start looking at increasing the train speed to allow faster turn around and getting riders to where they want to go sooner.
Grade separation is , of course, very important and good news. That said it will do nothing for GO RER or ST.

Until electrification is started, RER/ST cannot begin because they will want to order EMU from the start and not DMU that can be converted as they are still more expensive.

I know they want most of the system and all of RER electrified by 2025 but that means nothing. Transit in Toronto is awash with projects that had completion dates that have come and gone. People need to know when construction will start and not when it supposedly is suppose to end.
New signals at Malton waiting to be activated.
New signals at Malton waiting to be activated.

That signal bridge was erected in the winter of 2013-2014.

A good example of work left unfinished after the Union Pearson/Georgetown South Project came in "On time, On budget", according to the Minister.

- Paul
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That signal bridge was erected in the winter of 2013-2014.

A good example of work left unfinished after the Union Pearson/Georgetown South Project came in "On time, On budget", according to the Minister.

- Paul

What - precisely - will be accomplished by activating these?

Or what improvement to the rider experience will be noticed by GO riders by activating these?
So long as GO remains at the hourly all-stops 2WAD threshold, with no added VIA service, they aren't impairing anything by staying dark. Travel times might be impaired by 30-60 seconds if signals further ahead are restrictive.

If more frequent service were desired, the signals would be needed as they would enable trains to follow each other more closely.. One of the three tracks from Wice to Malton has never had the signalling cut in, although all the components are in place. This track would be needed if there were more express trains needing to slide around the local GO trains.

If you are suggesting that it was prudent to rough them in early, my question would be, how many years ahead did the planners anticipate when they did the plan in 2010ish.

- Paul
Didn't realize the signal bridge had been there since 2013-2014. So basically there's no need at the moment for those signals? I assume that will change by 2024 when the service is expected to increase.
The two sets on the left in the picture are in service. The set on the right are on the service track which has not been upgraded to main line status yet.
Didn't realize the signal bridge had been there since 2013-2014. So basically there's no need at the moment for those signals? I assume that will change by 2024 when the service is expected to increase.

The blocks on either side of that set of signals are temporarily wired together. (Edit - correction - they are operating on two tracks but not operating on the third) So you have one long block instead of the ultimate two shorter ones. It will be some years before the train frequency reaches the level where the spacing needs to shorten up.

The signalling that has been installed for GO/UPE on that route is elaborate and has very short blocks. It's not all needed yet, but I .

EDIT - I stand corrected - the two of three are in operation. The third isn't needed yet.

- Paul
That is a new one on me as I helped put those in service. If those have been bypassed then it was done since I worked there.
