Senior Member
Can you suggest a potential alternative to Miller who might be better? If not, the whole arguement is moot, the mudslinging pointless.
Syn, nobody is claiming he is evil or completely worthless.
The issue here is whether he is the mayor that Toronto needs right now while so much seemingly unbridled development is happening, while the roads are clogging up, while the public infrastructure is languishing.
Aside from the fact that I would disagree with some of your major points - as Urban Shocker indicates, some of the things you cite clearly happened in spite of him - the points you make that are or may be valid are hardly signifiers of greatness, or of the kind of leadership Toronto leads right now.
Can you suggest a potential alternative to Miller who might be better? If not, the whole arguement is moot, the mudslinging pointless.
I can't criticise Miller because there's no one better? Interesting point of view.
Besides, that there is supposedly nobody better is not the issue here. Miller *is* the mayor, period. This is his second mandate, and it is not unreasonable to question how effective he has been. Criticising is not mudslinging.
There's constructive criticism and there's unconstructive criticism which is what I call mudslinging. Constructive criticism with regards to Miller deals with the man's performance within the highly constricted confines of the limited powers he has at his disposal. It should offer alternative suggestions for how the current situation could improve, while ackowledging the actions that have succeeded. Cheapshots like the "city is succeeding in spite of him" neither acknowledge nor offer anything in their claim. They are the tool of choice for Wente, Royson James and others of their ilk who like to take potshots at the guy because he's a big target and its fun.
Despite Miller's shortcomings and the fact that he hasn't quite delivered what was promised--or what the media hype suggested would be promised when he was first elected--he is still, IMO, the best mayor this city has had since Crombie and deserves some recognition as such.
I agree. Tewder, you keep saying the city is doing well in spite of Miller, and that he's not the mayor this city needs, yet you don't really offer any examples or explain what you're saying. You just keep repeating the same basic thing.
...but I don't know how many other ways it can be said? It has already been discussed ad nausium, here and elsewhere.
I think if you read through the thread again you will see that a lot of the issues have already been raised.
Politicians talk about things all the time. He took action.
I don't know if you've noticed, but since Miller arrived there has been greater attention paid to aesthetics. Planters are in better condition and there's better upkeep too. There's still a long way to go, but it's a start.
We also now have a design panel.
As for the arts, whatever Miller has done wrong I don't think he can be faulted for his support of the arts. Nuit Blance wouldn't be here if it wasn't for him, and Luminato probably wouldn't either.