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Globe on Yonge Street police cameras



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Eyes on the street
As Toronto gets its first police surveillance cameras, PETER CHENEY asks: Are we ready for our close-up?


The place where Jane Creba was killed has returned to normal, Yonge Street-style: Students rush past a new Gwen Stefani billboard, a homeless man holds out a paper cup and a young man with a fade haircut stares at a pair of LeBron basketball shoes though the window of Foot Locker, unaware that he is standing on the spot where Ms. Creba was shot to death last Boxing Day.

"Right here?" he says when he learns that he is at a former homicide scene. "Wow." The young man is also unaware (until a visitor points it out) that he is being watched by a police video camera mounted on a pole across the street.

"I'm on?" he asks. "When did they put that in?"

"This week," he's told.

The young man waves at the camera and walks away. The camera, at the corner of Gould, is one of three that have been installed on Yonge Street, in a police experiment that has drawn praise from some (including the Yonge Street business association), and condemnation from others, who see them as the first step toward a state where citizens are watched and controlled by Big Brother.

"Privacy is sacred to our democracy, and this erodes it," says Varda Burstyn, a cultural critic and public policy consultant who is now working on a documentary about George Orwell. "Three cameras isn't a big deal. But the process is."

The Yonge Street cameras went up this week and will stay in place until Jan. 7 as part of a police pilot project (several others are in the works). They overlook a street scene that has seen its share of violence. Just last month, shots were fired from a car at Yonge and Shuter. Ms. Creba was killed and several others were wounded when gunfire broke out between rival gangs on Boxing Day last year.

The investigation into Ms. Creba's shooting relied heavily on footage from security cameras in nearby buildings. Although they led to the identification of several suspects, none of the videos offered a clear, overall view. The new police cameras, which are trained on the street and feed computers that can record 72 hours of activity, could have provided just that, police say.

"These are dispassionate electronic witnesses," says Toronto police spokesman Mark Pugash. "They record exactly what happens in front of them. Having them there would have helped."

The power of video as an investigative tool was clearly demonstrated earlier this year. When Downsview Secondary School student Danilo Celestino was stabbed to death on April 20, 2006, police seized video footage from cameras at the school and a nearby Coffee Time, and released images of a suspect. Forty-five minutes later, the suspect's lawyer called police to arrange his surrender.

Fredrik Nilsson, general manager of Axis Communications, one of the world's largest manufacturers of video surveillance systems, acknowledges that some see the spectre of Big Brother in his company's products, but he says the benefits far outweigh any drawbacks.

"Cameras help solve crimes," he said from Boston. "People are in favour of that."

A quick survey on Yonge Street this week supported his view. "I like them," lawyer Allan Ritchie said as he headed to work. "There's always a tradeoff between civil liberties and privacy, but I think this will be fine. I don't think there's going to be a lot of protest. We're living in a new reality."

The market for surveillance cameras has boomed, according to Mr. Nilsson and other experts, with global sales estimated at up to $15-billion annually -- and demand is growing by 10 to 15 per cent every year. Mr. Nilsson's company has worked with a number of police forces (not including Toronto) on the installation of surveillance systems with capabilities that were once the realm of science fiction. For example, the Dallas police force has surveillance cameras that send a live video feed through a cellular uplink. Other cities have cameras that respond to motion or sound -- Chicago now has cameras with software that detects the sound of gunfire, and automatically trains the camera on its source.

The world's most intensive video surveillance operation is found in England, where there are now more than 4.2 million cameras. Video surveillance gained popularity with British security officials during the IRA crisis, and has grown sharply in the post-9/11 era. Cameras played a key role in the investigation of the 2005 London subway bombings.

Not everyone has welcomed England's surveillance boom. Earlier this year, journalist Henry Porter produced Suspect Nation, a documentary that showed how security measures like video surveillance, had eroded civil liberties.

Suspect Nation detailed some of the Orwellian possibilities that security officials have considered, including a program that would track every car trip in England by using licence-plate recognition software.

Critics of technology-based security systems believe the drawbacks far outweigh any benefits. The data collected could easily be misused, they say, and serious criminals can effortlessly evade electronic oversight.

"Cameras don't catch the big fish, only the small ones," Ms. Burstyn says. In her view, Western society has gradually slid toward the dystopian future predicted by Orwell through its increasing emphasis on technology and control. "There are always more cameras and more prisons," she says. "This is not the path we should be going down. What we should be focusing on is prevention and rehabilitation.

"Once you start down this road, it's hard to stop. You go from a dozen cameras to a hundred, from a hundred to a thousand, and from a thousand to a million."

Ms. Burstyn says the British experience should serve as a cautionary tale for Canadians as they ponder the installation of police cameras. She notes that a British television station now runs street camera footage as reality TV-style entertainment.

"It doesn't sound like much," she says. "But we need to be very careful here. There may be perverse and unintended consequences that will come back to haunt us."

Other pundits take a different view. David Brin, an American writer best known for a work called The Transparent Society, argues that the technology will have an effect far different than the one foreseen by Orwell. Instead of creating enslaved drones, he believes, surveillance may make us more empowered as citizens by providing a clear, dispassionate view of events.

"It is already far too late to prevent the invasion of cameras and databases," Mr. Brin wrote in The Transparent Society. "The djinn cannot be crammed back into the bottle. No matter how many laws are passed, it will prove quite impossible to legislate away the new tools and techniques. They are here to stay. Light is going to shine into every aspect of our lives."

Those who share Mr. Brin's viewpoint to events like the beating of Rodney King by Los Angeles police officers. If the crime hadn't been caught on tape, Mr. King might never have succeeded in bringingcharges against the officers involved.

Mr. Brin, whose website includes footage of him in his San Diego home office, said in a recent interview that surveillance will lead to a new age of accountability. "What people really want is to be empowered to catch the Peeping Toms," he said, "to hold accountable any elite that might abuse power, whether corporate or governmental."

And in Toronto, many people seem prepared to accept that view. Toronto bartender Chris Frizzel saw the Yonge Street cameras for the first time this week as she walked north with a friend. After being told of a camera's presence, she delivered her opinion: "I say watch away, baby. I've got nothing to hide."
Would she be saying the same thing, if the cubicle doors were removed and police cameras were installed in public washrooms, as she is saying as she walks up Yonge Street?

In both cases, she would be engaged in perfectly legal activities that she would not be ashamed of, and in both instances she would surely have an equal right to privacy.
"In both cases, she would be engaged in perfectly legal activities that she would not be ashamed of, and in both instances she would surely have an equal right to privacy."

Surely there is an important difference between the cases. I'm not sure what "right to privacy" we have walking down a street. We ordinarily are thought to have some sort of a right to privately use the toilet.
Would she be saying the same thing, if the cubicle doors were removed and police cameras were installed in public washrooms, as she is saying as she walks up Yonge Street?
If you want to watch me take a leak, be my guest. I'd gladly have a greater police presence downtown, including cameras. More importantly, I'd like to see the police out of their cars and walking the streets more.
I don't see why some people have a problem with this on a major street. When you are in a mall you are on camera, when you walk in a bank you are on camera, when you buy milk at the local variety store you are on camera, when you are waiting for the GO train you are on camera.

Major intersections where a number of incidents have occured over the past few years should all have cameras installed. Hopefully they will act as a deterent and if something does happen help to identify the guilty parties.

What is the point of comparing a camera on Yonge St. to a perve cam watching people in public washroom stalls?
The UK, and particularly London, have thousands of CCTV cameras, and the populace seems fine with that.

I wouldn't worry about perv cams, as the thrill of that I imagine has diminished since almost anything can be found on a Google search.
Yes, all those security cameras in public places in London had very nice images of the bombers who later blew up themselves and all those other people on public transit last year. And a fat lot of use all those those cameras were in deterring any of it from happening.
Actually those cameras were key in identifying the bombers and helping establish the groups involved, which did much to prevent further bombings.
London Ontario also has cameras over every intersection downtown. They were put in during the Dianne Haskett (the homophobic family values mayor)/ Julian Fantino days.

I would like to know why the cameras are temporary. Is it because of Creba? Is to make people feel safe on Yonge? I also know they were put up for Caribana.

It should be all or nothing. Putting it up at choice times may send mixed messages, rightly or wrongly.
Actually those cameras were key in identifying the bombers and helping establish the groups involved, which did much to prevent further bombings.

Yes, but the bombings had already taken place, so the cameras did not stop the crime. As to the point about stopping further bombings, such an assertion cannot be proven.
I seem to remember hearing that the English experiment with street cameras was strikingly successful in several key areas, with dramatic reductions in crime.
There is no doubt that cameras act as both a preventative tool (don't underestimate the desire not to be caught) and as an important investigative tool after a crime has been committed (which in turn can lead to the prevention of further crime).. Yes, they have proved effective in England and they continue to be effective in retail stores (both big and small), criminal investigations (they have even been used in the Creba investigation) and the best example, Vegas and all casinos.
The presence of security cameras is in my opinion of little concern as a privacy issue which is why I and I reckon most of the people on the street could care less. The boundary of concern for privacy advocates is what can be done with the information? Even on this issue most people could care less because they know they are of no interest as subjects. Maybe someone is skipping school, jaywalking, picking their nose, maybe even shoplifting? Maybe someone reviewing some images makes fun of your pants or the fat guy or zooms in on a sexy woman? The question is who cares?
Maybe the public should be able to plug into these little invasive cameras? That way spouses can always be aware of the no-good the other is up to (why watch otherwise?). Then again, why stop there? What is really wrong with putting up such cameras in homes? Police can enter on the basis of a crome being carried out. Why not put cameras up to stop such activities from ever happening?

Moreover, why should we worry about private medical or financial records? Maybe school transcripts should be easily viewed by all as well? I'm sure employers want to know about mental health records of all there employees. That way they can try match it up to the activities of that individual out on Yonge Street at three in the morning. If since you happen to leave your genetic material behind (skin, hair, saliva, etc), that should be open for public record-keeping as well. And as for protecting the privacy of youth? They'll grow up.

The entire premise of such cameras is the panopticon. In such a philosophy human nature is bad, and will always act in selfish interest unless curtailed by the moral force of the state. There is no escape from the fathering eye of Leviathan.

Yeah, who cares?
