Thanks Peeps, I'm glad you made this comment because now i can feel comfortable dropping this discussion (after these closing comments) as its obviously a waste of time. We had seen other cities hosting G20 having their downtowns trashed; we had neferious people darkly alluding to actions they planned for Toronto not disavowing violent actions. With this backdrop Toronto spent $150 million (not $1 billion as reported) on security. A few windows were broken, a cruiser burnt, the feelings of a few middle class students were hurt. NO-ONE, ABSOLUTELY NO-ONE can point to any injuries worse than might occur in a high school rudgy match. This despite the presence of thousands of over-muscled cops. Honestly, if they had rough you'd have more than a "bruise" to point to.
So, they did a fine job. You claim their "failure rate was 100%."