Fresh Start
Provided the police were acting on the directives of higher-ups, I don't see how we can assign blame on those simply doing their job. You know what I did the weekend of the G20? I stayed the heck away from downtown because as curious as I was about what was going to happen down there, the rational part of me knew it was bound to be trouble. There's lots of evidence posted on YouTube by the so-called protestors themselves, of them taunting and ridiculing the police, even physically assaulting them. Lots more went down there to be freelance journalists on the event just to brag to friends that they were there. They get no sympathy from me if they were detained for less than 24 hours, have no blemish on their record, and yet now are equating their experience to Gitmo and torture. GMAFB. These posers and losers were just in this for the street cred; I bet the majority have never volunteered at a soup kitchen or old age home or went up to the Arctic or a developing nation to build houses. But now let's commend these misguided rebels without a cause as freedom fighters and villify the police whom if not for their presence things could have been a heck of a lot worse than a few broken windows.