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G-20 Summit in Toronto

I don't see the obvious point, unless it was to make yourself seem stupid if your intention wasn't to label Peepers a raging property damager.

I have to admit I had a good laugh at Gristles characterization of me. He has determined without a shred of doubt or EVIDENCE that I was one of those marching up Yonge street dressed head-to-toe in black with bricks in hand and without a care if I injured, maimed or killed someone! Too funny! Of course I was in no way involved in that mayhem (and never would be!). I am very critical of the Police response and make no apologies for that. I did not reply to Gristle because it was an ad hominem attack. The conservatives are using similar attacks in an attempt to block a G20 inquiry. If you call for the police and politicians to be held accountable then you are "siding with the anarchists"

From the Globe & Mail:

“I don’t agree with the NDP and the fact it seems to be lining itself up with anarchist groups that went to Toronto and caused damage,” Tory MP Dean Del Mastro told the committee.

Anyway Pappajojo thanks for calling out Gristle on his unwarranted attack on me.
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There are now calls to build a G20 Memorial and Interpretive Center at the site of the atrocities; King + Spadina.

There will be interactive displays, hourly re-enactments using Sim City technology and life size wax figures of the " Heroes Of G20." i.e. Civil Rights Champion Judy Rebick, Gorgeous George Smitherman, Buzz Hargrove etc.

This would be a natural tourist destination not unlike the Viet Nam Memorial in Washington or Sea World in San Diego.
The police finally got around to releasing pictures of suspects almost 2 weeks after the fact and this guy WASN'T on their list! Now it could be that they have already arrested and charged him but that is highly unlikely since they would have announced the charges with huge fanfare. You can count on that!.

So who is this guy and why aren't the cops interested in finding him?

You can see the pictures released by the cops at their Facebook page. After all the time they have had to review videos there are only six people shown in this release. Why the delay and why so few suspects? Are they having trouble filtering out all of the police operatives?!/album.php?aid=191162&id=191543066296

I find it ironic that a police force that was arresting members of the public for simply taking pictures during the G20 is now appealing to the public to turn over pictures taken so as to assist the investigation!

The exact same photo shown in this thread is in the police line up of pictures on facebook. So where is your conspiracy now?
Mystic Point - great post! friggin hilarious!

now, lets get the adrenaline flowing some more!
That video is fantastic parody, I love it. The young comedian, Andy Samberg, on SNL is similarly good.

Peepers, I think you've had a teaching moment today. As others have observed, the G20 'most wanted' posted by the police features the individual you hung much of your agent-provocateur theories around. From my experience most conspiracy theories simply morph into slightly different form when a particular theory is disproven.
I have to admit I had a good laugh at Gristles characterization of me. He has determined without a shred of doubt or EVIDENCE that I was one of those marching up Yonge street dressed head-to-toe in black with bricks in hand and without a care if I injured, maimed or killed someone! Too funny! Of course I was in no way involved in that mayhem (and never would be!). I am very critical of the Police response and make no apologies for that.

As with your attitude toward the police (an overwhelming generalization in itself) you failed to provide evidence that you were not among the black-clad goons. This merely follows the unfounded presumptions you have made of all police. I merely deliver to you the same approach that you deliver to them.

Funny, I never mentioned Yonge Street in my post about you. You appear to know where you were and what you were up to at the time, but you are a little more than coy now that there is a police search on.

Watch the video included in this article. Tell me, is that anything to applaud?
Anyway for some context here.

If the 'authorities' from time to time are slightly heavy handed its not the end of the world. As Hobbes said a couple of hundred years ago - society, looking for physical protection, contracts with government to create the state. The state gives us this protection (has anyone here expereinced a home invasion or had their wife literally dragged off by a brawnier guy - likely not) but in exchange we give up some rights and power.

So in exchange for all the protections we get from the police (the state) i dont think anyone paid much of a price.
So much for the conspiracy theory (like I've been saying from the beginning; it's about incompetence and political mistakes not conspiracies)
Virtually all conspiracies are.

Good grief, we're talking about TPS, OPP, and RCMP. What are the chances that they would successfully and secretly co-ordinate a secret, large-scale conspiracy? What are they chances they'd make mistakes? I'll go with the latter.

Besides ... what possible motive would TPS and OPP have for a conspiracy? To cover Harper's ass? Like TPS and OPP care ...

These conspiracy theorists are simply borderline psychotics who don't have a grip on reality. Hence the tin-foil hats.

It's almost as frustrating as the "police can do no wrong" crowd. Uh, yeah ... that's why they keep firing police for screwing up on a regular basis ...
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Peepers, I think you've had a teaching moment today. As others have observed, the G20 'most wanted' posted by the police features the individual you hung much of your agent-provocateur theories around. From my experience most conspiracy theories simply morph into slightly different form when a particular theory is disproven.

Not so fast with the "teaching moment" comments. The final chapter of this saga has yet to be written. What I find very telling is the fact that it took Police three weeks to release his picture and they only did so in the face of growing suspicion about this guy. They really had no choice, the cat was out of the bag! In the press release the investigator made a point of saying that he was not a cop. As I have explained earlier, Arc'teryx man did not have to be a cop in order to be an agent provocateur. He could have been recruited by the police by various methods. What if for example he was recruited by an under cover cop posing as a black block orgnanizer and provided the financial and logistical support to carry out his actions? Police admit that they had infiltrated these groups. For what purpose?

In the CBC report on this story the Reporter stated "Most of the pictures were taken by police officers !

If this CBC report is accurate WHY were Police standing around taking pictures of crimes in progress INSTEAD of STOPPING the vandals. This just adds to the list of outrages committed by the cops!

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Virtually all conspiracies are.

Good grief, we're talking about TPS, OPP, and RCMP. What are the chances that they would successfully and secretly co-ordinate a secret, large-scale conspiracy? What are they chances they'd make mistakes? I'll go with the latter.

Besides ... what possible motive would TPS and OPP have for a conspiracy? To cover Harper's ass? Like TPS and OPP care ...

These conspiracy theorists are simply borderline psychotics who don't have a grip on reality. Hence the tin-foil hats.

It's almost as frustrating as the "police can do no wrong" crowd. Uh, yeah ... that's why they keep firing police for screwing up on a regular basis ...

You wont get a arguement from me here on the conspiracy theories.

I just read today about a coalition that wants people to come forward with pics and vids of police abuse and brutality during the summit so as to prove that there was a conspiracy between the government and police to launch violence agaist protestors. I just rolled my eyes at this. It's about proving a conspiracy theory to satisfy their paranoid minds and getting their 5 minutes of fame.

Can't we actually have stories in the media about real issues and not fantasies being pursued at the expense of actual news?
And if there is so much evidence about the police brutality out there, why hasn't the media been flooded with it?

Why aren't the papers going nuts with this? Likewise Citytv or CBC or Global and the rest? Is there a conspiracy among the media to hide the truth and protect the cops and polictians?
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What I find very telling is the fact that it took Police three weeks to release his picture and they only did so in the face of growing suspicion about this guy.
That's absurd. How many other pictures have the police issued earlier? None. Your claim is completely and absolutely without basis. Stop making nonsense claims.

He could have been recruited by the police by various methods. What if for example he was recruited by an under cover cop posing as a black block orgnanizer and provided the financial and logistical support to carry out his actions?
That's the craziest claim I've ever heard.

Your mentally ill. Seek help, and stop these absurd claims that only sabotage legitimate protesters.

Hmm ... perhaps your the police agent provoker ... simply trying to muddy the waters, to avoid the enquiry showing how the police screwed up, were in the wrong place at the wrong time, and had rogue officers who were abusing people.

We've got your number Peepers! Your a cop! :)
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