Five Condos (Graywood Developments, Mod Developments) - Real Estate -

It is very simple Neuhaus. The 3 persons you have on the board are professional board members. They sit on other condo boards as well.
They will bleed your condo corporation dry with contracts steer to their friends and family.
Examples contractors, energy retrofit or saving, cleaning, security etc. They will also most likely bring in Duka property Management as well if the current PM isn't willing to cooperate. These people are scumbags and their only work is defrauding condo corps. These people are coordinated and appear legitimate. At the AGM they will have forged proxies handed in to pm to ensure they remain in power.

Is there anything we can do to stop this?
It appears that some people on here have some rather strong opinions and are quick to throw around accusations and labels but yet they clearly have no financial interests in the building, I wonder why that is?
I unlike "some" on here do own in this building. The building is actually coming along very well and the management and board seem to be doing a fine job thus far. Crime in the building is way down now since everything that happened in the fall, the Elevators are now working as regularly as in any other building, I just received my notice of change to my maintenance fees for the new fiscal year - an increase of 1.4%!! This is quite reasonable given the stated increase to the Reserve Fund of 23 % and the fact that the board/mgmt is now including a twice a year service of changing all HVAC filters and cleaning out the dryer vents for ALL units in the building.
Also, property values in the building are approaching $950/sqft (which I'm sure is partly because of the entire market in TO) and there is regular communication from management and the board as well as community events organized.
If something underhanded is going on in our building I don't see it! In fact the forums on the condos own online portal which I am privy too are not full of major complaints, they are pretty usual complaints and discussions that you would find in any other condo.

If you are not an owner or resident in the building then please take your fear mongering elsewhere. I remain confident in my investment in 5 condos.


Anyone can make a board appear legitimate. If my words have no merit go speak the board at the icon where darryl and his Crownie kaive Wong was removed. Go speak to people at L tower and find out how their building is being run. Go speak to liberty village condo where darryl quit because he couldn't get anything down, go to speak to the element condo where your president Ray Blanchard and 3 of his Crownie were all successuly removed via a special requisition due to not one of them owning in the building and being discovered that they were stealing money through contracts. The most recent one I heard is they tried to get on the imperial condo board but were immediately shut down as they were recognized And the police and media were called. Why don't you speak to Ray and and ask him about the reporter trying to write a story about his gang. He and his Crownies immediately obtained lawyers. Be suspicious of all contracts and thoroughly investigate. Watch out for energy consultants such as darryl McGregor who will promised savings if x and y are done.

You have to call a requisition meeting to remove all of them and make sure you have a lawyer because even if you think you have enough votes they will manufacture proxies and if the management is in cahoots it will become more difficult.
Hello victims of 5 St Joseph:

As an owner / resident of one of the buildings to which Kenny Singh has mentioned in his last post, I assure you that what he is saying is ABSOLUTELY TRUE!! Unfortunately, your building, like mine until recently, was hijacked by a gang of unethical thieves. They will rig elections with forged proxies and receive kickbacks through their corrupt property management buddies. Your building is just the host cell for this virus. Your building will be bled dry as routine maintenance goes undone in pursuit of inflated contracts and other financial chicanery.

Go to your next AGM! Ask questions! Review the board minutes! Organize and remove these crooks before more damage is done!
I am slated to stay in a condo here using AirBnB. Just want to make sure it is permitted for this building. Thanks.
