Fashion House Condos (Freed Development) - Real Estate -

Yes. Buy here because I want to see attractive architecture in the King West area. Now, it's true, the market has clearly peaked, but ... King West over the next decade is gonna be the happening place for spoilt 30-40 somethings. I expect to see high end retail moving in by 2015.

So buy here--I wanna see those pink curtains!
Fashion House?

Hi i bought a Fahion House Condo, its not ready until april 2011, do you think its going to get canceled? I think it is 50% sold out.
I actually think this one might be canned. Just a hunch. Freed's got a lot of other projects further along on the go..and with the markets the way that they are, I don't see it.....good news is that you should likely get your deposit back!:D
I'm in hte same boat having purchased a new construction property in early 2008 (also to rent out). I'm kinda hoping the project gets canned in order to free up cash!
2012 is a long way off, hard to speculate, but as always, I do believe that real estate is a solid investment and I suspect prices will be up by then!
FashionHouse, maybe. Corktown anything, no (probably not until the West Donlands are finished)
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Any chance occupancy could be in fall 2013?

I still stand by my post of over a year ago - #506 in this thread: Spring of 2014. Maybe later in the winter, but there would still be a lot of finishing up to do, if occupancy is rushed to make that happen.
I still stand by my post of over a year ago - #506 in this thread: Spring of 2014. Maybe later in the winter, but there would still be a lot of finishing up to do, if occupancy is rushed to make that happen.

Trying to buy an assignment here, but spring 2014 doesn't seem too bad.
Am I the only one who have heard about the major screw up with floor plans that have happened recently, with 50 deals walking out..Here's to another major delay.
Am I the only one who have heard about the major screw up with floor plans that have happened recently, with 50 deals walking out..Here's to another major delay.

When I went to my colour appointment they told me that they could not submit the selection because there were some changes to the floor plan and I needed to talk to head office. I am still waiting to talk to them, they have not contacted me yet. 50 deals walking out? wow that's a lot.
