Mississauga Erin Mills Town Centre Expansion | ?m | ?s | 20VIC Management | MMC Architecture

I was by there on Sunday and demolition hasn't really started in any meaningful way. If they don't start soon I think they may be challenged to open by the end of 2020. Spring of 2021 is likely a more realistic date.
I was by there on Sunday and demolition hasn't really started in any meaningful way. If they don't start soon I think they may be challenged to open by the end of 2020. Spring of 2021 is likely a more realistic date.

The interior has since been gutted. I think they will be repurposing Sears along with expanding it.
Ah. For some reason I had it in my brain that they would do a new build rather than a retrofit. Your analysis makes sense since they have had the fencing up for a couple of months now.
