Emerald City Condos (ELAD Canada) - Real Estate -

Any one from the upper floors of Tower 1 have been hearing a very loud Metal banging sound that started last week
I'm on the 35th and every 15-30 minutes it sounded like a loud pipe baning/almost about to explode over and over for at least 5 days.
I emailed property management I was asked to call the superintendent - I left a long message with property management describing this noise as well.
5 days later I got a call requesting access to my unit to investigate.
The banging since Wednesday is way less once every couple of hours and it's loud enough to wake me up in the middle of the night.

I was told by the concierge attendant that other units have also reported this....

Any thoughts?

Hey guys,

The 85 page report is for the city and I don't expect our board to make sure these are done. However, a good point was made as to where this document can be found as it does affect our community and I would assume a public document? I had to leave the meeting as it went way over time started at 7 and probably went until close to 9 p.m. I am going to think about some questions to ask for next week. For the other people in Tower 2 and 3. This meeting I think was advertised for Tower 1 as I think some of the focus was damage control for the flooding incident a few weeks back. I don't know if the next meeting would be limited to Tower 1 residents. It may be prudent to ask.
I don't live in your building, but I've gone through trying to get building residents together via email/FB/whatever ... (and I do social media communication for a living so I wrestle with this stuff every day)

How will people outside of this thread find out about your group? How will you know if the person actually lives in the building? What about if people move out -- how do you know and delete them from the group? How do you involve people who don't use Facebook?

Is it all residents or just owners? Tenants would have a lot of information, but they can't be involved in a lawsuit. How do you reach off-site owners?

The frustrations of group communication in Toronto's condos!
FB group page

I don't live in your building, but I've gone through trying to get building residents together via email/FB/whatever ... (and I do social media communication for a living so I wrestle with this stuff every day)

How will people outside of this thread find out about your group? How will you know if the person actually lives in the building? What about if people move out -- how do you know and delete them from the group? How do you involve people who don't use Facebook?

Is it all residents or just owners? Tenants would have a lot of information, but they can't be involved in a lawsuit. How do you reach off-site owners?

The frustrations of group communication in Toronto's condos!

I don't have your experience when it comes to social media communication but I think with the help of other skilled folks such as yourself we maybe able to get a good number of people involved.

We will never know if the person requesting access to the page is actually a renter/owner ( so the best way to do it (Also the tedious way) is dropping a small envelope in front of all the units (400 units yes) with a 2 liner such as "If you are the owner of this unit, you are invited to join us on facebook and let your voice be heard" or something like that with the page address of course.

Unfortunately people who don't have FB just won't be involved but I trust some may open an account if they are really frustrated and unhappy with their homes.

Re: those who move, the only way around it is: The admins of the page will monitor the dormant members send them a notice and eventually if there is no response to remove them manually from the group.
Be careful about distributing flyers/envelopes -- it's generally prohibited in a building! (hint: if you can slip things under the door, no one will know!)

If you go that route, ask tenants to pass on the info to their landlords, otherwise some owners will never know.

Talk to people in the elevators :)
Be careful about distributing flyers/envelopes -- it's generally prohibited in a building! (hint: if you can slip things under the door, no one will know!)

If you go that route, ask tenants to pass on the info to their landlords, otherwise some owners will never know.

Talk to people in the elevators :)

Yeah I was just brainstorming to you haha
I don't know but something needs to be done...(Scratches head with index finger !!!)
I don't have your experience when it comes to social media communication but I think with the help of other skilled folks such as yourself we maybe able to get a good number of people involved.

We will never know if the person requesting access to the page is actually a renter/owner ( so the best way to do it (Also the tedious way) is dropping a small envelope in front of all the units (400 units yes) with a 2 liner such as "If you are the owner of this unit, you are invited to join us on facebook and let your voice be heard" or something like that with the page address of course.

Unfortunately people who don't have FB just won't be involved but I trust some may open an account if they are really frustrated and unhappy with their homes.

Re: those who move, the only way around it is: The admins of the page will monitor the dormant members send them a notice and eventually if there is no response to remove them manually from the group.

I think you should just make a it a "closed" group instead of a "secret" group, so that people can find and attempt to join it. It's up to the admins of the group to approve of people who want to join the group. Maybe include instructions in the group descriptions to contact one of the admins and say that you're a resident? I don't know if we want people to actually have to tell the admin the exact suite # of their home.
I think you should just make a it a "closed" group instead of a "secret" group, so that people can find and attempt to join it. It's up to the admins of the group to approve of people who want to join the group. Maybe include instructions in the group descriptions to contact one of the admins and say that you're a resident? I don't know if we want people to actually have to tell the admin the exact suite # of their home.

Done. https://www.facebook.com/groups/367632510070024/ is now a closed group.
Go ahead and try it if you'd like I will make you Admin:)
Any one from the upper floors of Tower 1 have been hearing a very loud Metal banging sound that started last week
I'm on the 35th and every 15-30 minutes it sounded like a loud pipe baning/almost about to explode over and over for at least 5 days.
I emailed property management I was asked to call the superintendent - I left a long message with property management describing this noise as well.
5 days later I got a call requesting access to my unit to investigate.
The banging since Wednesday is way less once every couple of hours and it's loud enough to wake me up in the middle of the night.

I was told by the concierge attendant that other units have also reported this....

Any thoughts?


Not sure how clear it is, but if you have a cell phone that records sound well, or have a decent digital recorder, perhaps when the noises are close together you can try and get a recording of the sound. That might help identify it.
Not sure how clear it is, but if you have a cell phone that records sound well, or have a decent digital recorder, perhaps when the noises are close together you can try and get a recording of the sound. That might help identify it.

It's too late now the timing is so random wish I did that last Sunday because with no fail it was every 15-30 minutes
we'll hopefully find out soon
