So what's the complaint here? Is it about rich people avoiding prison? If so Black and Snoeblen are poor examples because they have gotten convicted.
Or is the complaint that these people have kept their jobs as writers/editorialists? If that's the complaint, then jade_lee please tell us what other job you would take away from those convicted of crimes. And please elaborate for us how you would accomplish rehabilitation if you plan on ensuring that convicts remain unemployed for the rest of their lives.
As far as I see it, being gainfully employed is a good thing for those who have committed crimes. We wouldn't want them returning to their criminal ways. We want them to pay their dues, rehabilitate and become productive members of society. If they are employed as writers so be it. It's not illegal. And they are being employed by private enterprises that are fully aware of their histories. So what's the problem with it?
You have already said that you don't patronize the Post and the Sun, so what exactly is your issue here? If you don't like their writing you don't have to buy the paper. Or are you just upset that the National Post won't give you a regular space to rant in?