Discovery Condos (Concord Park Place) - Real Estate -

So my next question is can a Final Interim occupancy date legally be delayed by any specified amount of time?
Confirmed Interim Closing Date

I got a letter today indicating that my "confirmed interim closing date" is now set for February 23, 2012. I am in Discovery 2.
I got a letter today indicating that my "confirmed interim closing date" is now set for February 23, 2012. I am in Discovery 2.

Wow wildymyst I didn't expect that late of a closing. Discovery 2 looks like its almost caught up to Discovery 1 based on the pics. I'm in building A in Discovery 1 and still peeved about the closing date. What was your original date provided? Mine was July of 2010 I think.
I also got my confirmed interim closing date today. The sealed envelope it came in almost raised my hopes because it had the words 'Registered' plastered along the front. As it turns out my date is set for February 15, 2012 (Discovery 2). I don't understand why they would push a whole bunch of people to move in the middle of winter!!

Nothing was mentioned about the reason for delays, HOWEVER, they do make an effort to point out that there is a brand-spanken new Customer Care
I stand corrected, as my closing is January of 2012, looks like Discovery 1 got the short end of the stick, you guys are just behind us.
Wow wildymyst I didn't expect that late of a closing. Discovery 2 looks like its almost caught up to Discovery 1 based on the pics. I'm in building A in Discovery 1 and still peeved about the closing date. What was your original date provided? Mine was July of 2010 I think.

Hi Asiancolossus,

I don't think they ever sent me a letter with any dates provided except that it would be about 6 months after the Discovery 1 buildings. I guess that has changed based on our info now. :p
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I have been looking info to buy a unit on this project. Does anyone know if they still have units for sale? How do I contact or find out more information?

When I went to the sales office a few months ago, they told me that Building A & B were pretty much sold out. There were still a few units available in building D & E on the higher floors with prices starting around $450K (800+ sqr feet) plus $28K for a parking spot. However, don't quote me on that price. It is best to check their sales office located near Bessarian subway station.
Cassius do you think the units that were bought in buildings A and B have appreciated significantly in price in the past 2 years?
Hey Asiancolossus,

I definitely would imagine so. The perfect example is the price of a parking spot. I remember buying one spot for $20k which was combined with my total purchase price back in Dec 2007. Now the price has climbed to $28K. Sure, you could blame it on the whole 'demand vs supply' factor but the appreciation of the area must have played a role. Plus, once you take into the consideration the political pressure by Mayor Ford to extend the Sheppard subway line into Scarborough, then you got a recipe for $$$Capital Gain$$$.

My only regret was not scooping up a few parking spots upon initial signing so that I could sell them in the nearby future and make a potential 40% profit margin!!!
Hey Cassius, I bought my unit in September of 2009, supposedly when the market was just coming out of a funk. I'm hoping that I made 10 to 15 percent on my investment. I know of properties that have gone up 20 to 25 percent since then. I think it would be a real boon if they extended the subway line. The Sheppard line is underutilized IMO. Connecting it to the Town Centre would produce a lot of traffic. I always have thought a world class city should have subway service running directly to the airport. Pearson is such a bitch to get to by transit or by car. I thought about buying another locker. I have no idea but they must be tiny! And I tend to hoard stuff! LOL
Hey Cassius, I bought my unit in September of 2009, supposedly when the market was just coming out of a funk. I'm hoping that I made 10 to 15 percent on my investment. I know of properties that have gone up 20 to 25 percent since then. I think it would be a real boon if they extended the subway line. The Sheppard line is underutilized IMO. Connecting it to the Town Centre would produce a lot of traffic. I always have thought a world class city should have subway service running directly to the airport. Pearson is such a bitch to get to by transit or by car. I thought about buying another locker. I have no idea but they must be tiny! And I tend to hoard stuff! LOL

Hey I think the price have appreciated. I bought at tango and the parking 25k.
