New Member
So my next question is can a Final Interim occupancy date legally be delayed by any specified amount of time?
I got a letter today indicating that my "confirmed interim closing date" is now set for February 23, 2012. I am in Discovery 2.
if you dont mind me asking, are you in the upper or lower floors??
Wow wildymyst I didn't expect that late of a closing. Discovery 2 looks like its almost caught up to Discovery 1 based on the pics. I'm in building A in Discovery 1 and still peeved about the closing date. What was your original date provided? Mine was July of 2010 I think.
Hey Cassius, I bought my unit in September of 2009, supposedly when the market was just coming out of a funk. I'm hoping that I made 10 to 15 percent on my investment. I know of properties that have gone up 20 to 25 percent since then. I think it would be a real boon if they extended the subway line. The Sheppard line is underutilized IMO. Connecting it to the Town Centre would produce a lot of traffic. I always have thought a world class city should have subway service running directly to the airport. Pearson is such a bitch to get to by transit or by car. I thought about buying another locker. I have no idea but they must be tiny! And I tend to hoard stuff! LOL