Senior Member
Rushed right now, I'll examine the rest later, but you're making things up.
I suggest you read the record as detailed by Pagliaro mostly through FOI. It's referenced diligently. There's been more to come out since Pagliaro's exposé. I have agreed many times in these strings that "Keesmaat compromised herself" bending to the pressure and constraint put on her by Tory especially. But better she quit later than not at all. She *did offer alternatives*...clearly.
I take it you don't like her, and have to construct a false itinerary?
Huh? That wasn't my point, not even close. You seem to mangle much in recollection.
My point is that *no-one* outside of the "Parliament of Canada" has control of the USRC, specifically that which is referred to in binding legal documents and SCC judgements based on them. "For the Good of Canada" is the key reference in many rulings. And that certainly includes the air-rights above that corridor.
The unfortunate part is Keesmaats decisions as planner seem to be as politically motivated as the a actual politicians elected to lead the City and she was supposed to be paid simply as a planner. She was receiving a suspiciously high volume of photo-ops and feel good articles well before her departure and very odd for a planner and it seemed like something was brewing politically long before the odd departure. She cycled into the Mayoral race at the last minute, but this was really no surprise to anyone following the build up by the Star and Pagliaro, who just happens to be ramping up her daily promotion since announcing.
Anyhow whatever her intentions were as planner whether good, bad, or ugly in proposing the worst possible solution for this subway line It doesn't matter as the Province will have the final say and so far its been "promise made, promise kept" so there's no reason not to expect anything else but a multi-stop subway and an end to any obstruction attempts against seamlessly connecting Scarborough Centre.