My theory is that Tory sees there are a lot of angry people in Scarboro, but knows he can't come out and say "yeah, it's a dumb idea, but they want it, so I have to give it to them" So he offers lame excuses to keep the subway alive, while tryig not to endorse the 'poor us' thing, and keeps hoping for some Plan C to emerge that will save the day. The one-stop Plan B at least diverted some of the original spend to a useful purpose. I'm sure he's hoping someone will pull another rabbit out of the hat.
None of us have figured out such an alternative. I agree we should not be dissing this angry group. While I disagree with
@coffey1, he is doing us a favour by reminding us that these folks won't go away just because we find them irrational. They may be the swing vote in the next mayoral race. We ignore them at our peril - as David Cameron found.
The danger of the subway is that once we build it, and it doesn't make anyone's life better, those angry people will just stay mad and demand something else. Building more LRT will help lots of people, and that will dampen the anger for many.
If we are going to build this thing, we need an immediate anchor at STC that overcomes the poor economics which discourages development there. There's one no brainer winner : a major league sports stadium. I'm dead serious..... move one of the current teams out of downtown, if we can't buy a new NHL or NFL franchise. Skydome is a lousy facility anyways. Move Jays or Raptors out there, it might or might not encourage development, but the need for a status symbol subway will be forgotten immediately.
- Paul