News   Mar 06, 2025
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News   Mar 06, 2025
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News   Mar 06, 2025
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Danforth Line 2 Scarborough Subway Extension

What has Ford actually done personally to bring this about?

There are still a couple questions to be answered:

1. Is the Fed money just going to be shifted from the LRT? (I.e. is this actually new money or old?)

2. Will the city still be expected to kick in money as well, and if so, how are we going to raise this money?

The SELRT is still a go according to the map.
What has Ford actually done personally to bring this about?

Concretely, not much but he did pushed for it even when he looked ridiculous while doing it and yet, in politics, image and perception is everything. Voters will remember him shaking the Prime Minister's hand that officially made it happen.

The Feds were smart to do it. It's pocket money for them, they banished the Provincial Liberals into irrelevancy and pretty much handed Rob Ford his reelection. The Conservative can make significance gains in Toronto

1. Is the Fed money just going to be shifted from the LRT? (I.e. is this actually new money or old?)

Most likely yes but city council did put in their motion that it had to be 100% new funding. In reality, I don't see council killing this project over 333M$ from the Feds. In doing so, you would again just hand Rob Ford his reelection. He would blame council over the cancellation of the project and the heat would be on council, not him. An open war with council and Stinz over that subway would drastically increase his popularity... And don't think that the Feds wouldn't be happy to blast city council and repay the provincial Liberals for criticizing them.

2. Will the city still be expected to kick in money as well, and if so, how are we going to raise this money?

The motion did say that if the Feds participated in the project, the city would use increased property taxes to pay their share
I wouldn't lose sleep over Sheppard LRT losing its funding. Sheppard is not a priority. After the Scarborough subway, the DRL is #1-2-3-4-5 priority. PERIOD

Both Finch and Sheppard can still be upgraded with reserved lane and express branch on their respective bus routes
According to who?
Right, so:

1. We don't know how much additional money the federal government will commit.

2. Days after Ford declares victory for the province's revised subway plan he is seen standing in front of a poster illustrating the city's more expensive plan.

3. All of this is just a week before council's deadline.

Harper's announcement only adds to the confusion since instead of knowing finding goals have been meet, we now have no idea if funding goals for the city's plan have been met our not.

in addition it appears that the province has been cut out of discussions between the city and the federal government. I will be interested to see how the province responds. long story short, things have been muddled even more by this announcement.
According to city council, DRL is #1
According to the TTC, DRL is #1

Were past Miller-Giambrone's era where Sheppard LRT was #1 and the DRL could wait 25 years for all they cared
You must either not live in Toronto or be new here. For all we know a subway on Finch can become number one priority. Toronto city council have shown they have no problem switching plans and the TTC's opinion is frankly irrelevant.
Right, so:

1. We don't know how much additional money the federal government will commit.

2. Days after Ford declares victory for the province's revised subway plan he is seen standing in front of a poster illustrating the city's more expensive plan.

3. All of this is just a week before council's deadline.

Harper's announcement only adds to the confusion since instead of knowing finding goals have been meet, we now have no idea if funding goals for the city's plan have been met our not.

in addition it appears that the province has been cut out of discussions between the city and the federal government. I will be interested to see how the province responds. long story short, things have been muddled even more by this announcement.

I doubt anything can be built without the provincial money. I doubt the Feds and the city can put up all the money required, we still don't even know how much the feds are contributing and whether it is money from the Sheppard Line.
Does the city plan for the B-D extension not necessitate the Sheppard LRT? I mean, cancelling the LRT along Sheppard would eliminate the Sheppard-McCowan transfer/transit hub that precipitated the need for the subway to reach Sheppard in the first place. If Ford and Co. want the subway extension, then they have no choice but to ensure the SELRT goes forward as well.

As for the DRL, does this funding announcement not ensure a more vigorous pursuit of the project? I'm not sure I buy the notion that because the Feds have committed funds to the B-D extension that they cannot possibly assist in financing the DRL. Revenue tools notwithstanding, it would be a big mistake to vouch for this project and NOT support the long-overdue DRL.
Concretely, not much but he did pushed for it even when he looked ridiculous while doing it and yet, in politics, image and perception is everything. Voters will remember him shaking the Prime Minister's hand that officially made it happen.

The Feds were smart to do it. It's pocket money for them, they banished the Provincial Liberals into irrelevancy and pretty much handed Rob Ford his reelection. The Conservative can make significance gains in Toronto

Most likely yes but city council did put in their motion that it had to be 100% new funding. In reality, I don't see council killing this project over 333M$ from the Feds. In doing so, you would again just hand Rob Ford his reelection. He would blame council over the cancellation of the project and the heat would be on council, not him. An open war with council and Stinz over that subway would drastically increase his popularity... And don't think that the Feds wouldn't be happy to blast city council and repay the provincial Liberals for criticizing them.

The motion did say that if the Feds participated in the project, the city would use increased property taxes to pay their share

LOL how did the Feds banish the Provincial Liberals into irrelevancy? You do know the Province is still kicking in $1.4 billion to the project, probably the most out of all 3 levels of government. If this was really a direct attack on the Provincial Liberals, wouldn't Timmy Hudak be also in on the photo op? Nope, he was left out. If you want the Provincial Liberals to be gone, the Feds and the City should fund the whole thing on their own. Otherwise, all parties will just have to re-negotiate the plan.

In regards to Ford, that guy just jumps on anything Subway. Had the Feds not pitched in, he would still have used the Murray subway map to claim victory. Real test for him is if another Conservative runs against him, thus diluting the Conservative vote and allowing maybe a more Left-leaning candidate to win. Not much to do with the Subway, since many people will claim victory on this.
LOL how did the Feds banish the Provincial Liberals into irrelevancy? You do know the Province is still kicking in $1.4 billion to the project, probably the most out of all 3 levels of government. If this was really a direct attack on the Provincial Liberals, wouldn't Timmy Hudak be also in on the photo op? Nope, he was left out. If you want the Provincial Liberals to be gone, the Feds and the City should fund the whole thing on their own. Otherwise, all parties will just have to re-negotiate the plan.

In regards to Ford, that guy just jumps on anything Subway. Had the Feds not pitched in, he would still have used the Murray subway map to claim victory. Real test for him is if another Conservative runs against him, thus diluting the Conservative vote and allowing maybe a more Left-leaning candidate to win. Not much to do with the Subway, since many people will claim victory on this.

Exactly wasn't it Ford who last week was supporting the Province's plan? Now he is back on the council's alignment. The guy will jump at any subway project.

Anyways Wynne said the province is willing to open to changing the plan.
Federal Government to fork over $660 for Bloor-Danforth subway extension. I'm shocked how much the feds are handing over. Very surprised. Game over for Scarborough LRT plan.
This is new money, the $330 million for the Sheppard LRT is still on. What happens to that line, no one knows.
