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Danforth Line 2 Scarborough Subway Extension

Paranoia. I wish people were as passionate about getting construction costs in our city under control as they are about imaginary issues.
Paranoia. I wish people were as passionate about getting construction costs in our city under control as they are about imaginary issues.
You mean like the list of imaginary issues the railfan from Sudbury claims to be sure is applicable to the Scarborough Subway?

Or do you agree that the reason subway construction is so expensive (for us) is because we don't have enough migrant workers, aren't killing enough people during construction and because of different gauge?
The reason for the subway being built to TTC gauge took me all of 10 seconds to find on Wikipedia:

I understand the reasons.Still does not make it the best answer. Still does not make it off the shelf. Still adds costs.

Relying on overbuilt trains being able to absorb crashing into one another doesn't sound like a higher standard, it sounds like the exact opposite. Why are so many of our trains expected to withstand a collision? The EU has lighter trains because they use train protection systems to keep trains apart. THAT is a higher standard.
I think the deaths of 80 people would like a word with you.
Last rail accident causing death in Canada was in the 1980s. Only 22 people died.
Regardless of which is better or worse, that standard does cause a higher cost to Canada.

...think the deaths of 80 people would like a word with you.
Last rail accident causing death in Canada was in the 1980s. Only 22 people died.
Regardless of which is better or worse, that standard does cause a higher cost to Canada.

Michael is wrong about many, (most?) things. This is probably reflected in the fact he has me on ignore (I assume) since he hasn't replied to any of the corrections I've posted to his content in this thread.


But would someone like to take him to task on his 22 deaths reminding him about Lac Megantic? (47). I mean, sure, fewer people constructing rail lines have died recently in Canada (we don't built many rail lines any more), but we certainly do endanger people from time to time.
Especially so when the overall build out of the railway network across central and western Canada resulted in an overbuilt web of lines, many of which were uneconomic from the get-go, with huge amounts of inefficiency, lost investments, and capital frittered away, let alone outright fraud.

The only person who has ever successfully waxed poetic about Canada's railroad boom was Gordon Lightfoot.... and I have always marvelled that his song didn't develop a backlash in recent years..... it's lovely music, but practically an anthem to colonization.

- Paul
And required constant upgrading after it opened to improve rickety bridges, actually bed the rail in ballast through the prairies, reduce grades, etc.

Pierre Burton also wrote two books and there was the subsequent TV miniseries, although perhaps not as enduring.

and I have always marvelled that his song didn't develop a backlash in recent years..... it's lovely music, but practically an anthem to colonization.

To be fair, some want to burn everything that happened before last Tuesday on the alter of colonializm. Give it time.
And required constant upgrading after it opened to improve rickety bridges, actually bed the rail in ballast through the prairies, reduce grades, etc.

I never really understood until now...... In the last century, boondoggles and fantasy projects that had little chance of ever getting built were so indicated by adding "& Pacific" or "& Hudson Bay" to their name.

Now we just label them "Phase II". Much more efficient.

- Paul
Lol. Ah yes. They don't count, if they don't fit your argument.
Big different between passenger trains and freight train death with you hearing more about freight death than passenger trains.

You can add commuter trains to that group and do you class commuter trains as passenger trains?? By rights, they are passenger trains.

Take it one step further, what about transit buses, subways, or intercity buses??
Big different between passenger trains and freight train death with you hearing more about freight death than passenger trains.

You can add commuter trains to that group and do you class commuter trains as passenger trains?? By rights, they are passenger trains.

Take it one step further, what about transit buses, subways, or intercity buses??
For me, if it runs on rails and carries paying people it is a passenger train.
Interestingly, no one brought up the bus crash with Via in Ottawa. That one, 5 people on the bus died, 35 were injured, but they were all on the bus. No one on the train was even injured. I'd say that the NA railway standards are working to keep passengers of the trains safe.
Big different between passenger trains and freight train death with you hearing more about freight death than passenger trains.

You can add commuter trains to that group and do you class commuter trains as passenger trains?? By rights, they are passenger trains.

Take it one step further, what about transit buses, subways, or intercity buses??

We started with construction deaths causing cost increases. Then we went to rail gauge and cost safety. And now we're saying bystander deaths don't count. Gotta love any discussion Michael is involved in.

For me, if it runs on rails and carries paying people it is a passenger train.
Interestingly, no one brought up the bus crash with Via in Ottawa. That one, 5 people on the bus died, 35 were injured, but they were all on the bus. No one on the train was even injured. I'd say that the NA railway standards are working to keep passengers of the trains safe.

When you don't have a lot of passenger rail, you aren't going to have a lot of passenger deaths. What's the per mile performance look like?
We started with construction deaths causing cost increases. Then we went to rail gauge and cost safety. And now we're saying bystander deaths don't count. Gotta love any discussion Michael is involved in.

When you don't have a lot of passenger rail, you aren't going to have a lot of passenger deaths. What's the per mile performance look like?
Cost of dead has led to increase cost for most things to the point it is overkill at the end of the day. Rail gauge plays no part in the cost of rail death nor cost for it other increase of maintenance cost of it that should be number 1 on the list regardless of what runs on it.

Don't reply much to Michael posting as they can be off the wall at times or unrelated to the thread.

What Michael is missing is the caused of these death as many been had been caused by operator errors, dispatchers, signal failure, mother nature, stupidly, equipment failure, poor track maintains, poorly built infrastructure, and the list goes on.

To find the death ratio, ones need to number of miles riders have travel, amount of freight has been moved along with the weight of it, time on a jobsite and so on.

At the end of the day, anyone death is not acceptable. I have seen far too many stupid things on jobsites that some workers need a real wakeup as to what they are doing wrong and be shown the door. I have sent a few out that door.
