With all the people on here griping about Toronto's degraded public realm, I'm surprised nobody got on here sooner to complain about these monster advertising boards. The older triangular ones were much more attractive, less obtrusive and they actually served a purpose. (they had good maps, which I used many times) These new towers are much larger with much smaller maps. They also took out the computer screen and purchase map option. I've seen these in places where they block half the sidewalk, as well as the view of the street. Obviously, I really don't like them. Nobody else here complained about it, so I figured, I was the only one who hated these things (like my pet peeves of postering and grey everything) but it's nice to know some people agree with me. Astral pulled a bait and switch with these things and the city let them get away with it. I guess it just goes to show, city council is asleep at the switch and nobody really is keeping track of this stuff. This should have never have been allowed to happen. It just cheapens this city and degrades our public realm, especially in historic areas like Old Town.
the old ones were really ugly actually, but yes functionally they were better than these new ones.