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Creationism vs Evolution

Creationism or Evolution?

  • All life was created by some divine being(s)

    Votes: 4 5.8%
  • Life on this planet originated and evolves from natural processes

    Votes: 65 94.2%

  • Total voters
Such a lengthy post wonderboy; your sensitive feelings must really be hurt.

Of course that didn't stop you from you attempting to disparage me in your posts.

You know wonderboy, as I reread this thread I noted how your opinion has morphed as the criticisms against it have come at you. You've changed your views without acknowledging that you were originally inaccurate or wrong on many issues. You start by stating a trenchant position, and then slowly augment it as others indicate the failings of the opinions you express.

But as you've been posting your opinions publicly - at times as if they were some sort of facts - it should not be a surprise to you to receive arguments or objections. You have not refrained from criticizing others, but it would appear that you have a very difficult time with having your opinions criticized. Unfortunately no one but you is responsible for your feelings, so it may be time to grow a thicker skin.

Let me cite one such example of your on-going confusions. With respect to Dawkins and Hitchens views on atheism, this is not science. They are stating a personal view regarding their beliefs about religion and the existence of god. Those views are not science. What you've done (again) is to try and shelter your own opinions regarding your views on atheism within science as a means to support that point of view. The matter is that science says nothing about the existence of god either way. That you want it to is a major error.

Otherwise, the thread had actually moved away from your feelings and on to a much more interesting topic regarding criminality and its potential relationship to aspects of evolution.
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gristle, nowhere in this thread has my opinion changed, nowhere have I confused atheism with science and you didn't even have the courage to address my last post... instead another whimsical rant trying to bash me.
gristle, nowhere in this thread has my opinion changed, nowhere have I confused atheism with science and you didn't even have the courage to address my last post... instead another whimsical rant trying to bash me.

You should spend time and read your own posts. You consistently argue your atheism on the basis of your opinions of science (opinion is your word; it's a substitution for knowledge). Your little rant mixing Reichstag fires, Pearl Harbour and aspartame - and how each of these is somehow similar in terms of actual evidence - is quite faulty. They are not. Of course, the burden of proof would be on you to illustrate the veracity of such claims, but you aren't going to be doing that. Your line of argument for stirring these events and non-events together is solely motivated by your belief that governments are corrupt - which is just another unsubstantiated uttering on your part. Such things must be shown to be so. You simply opt to believe. That's easier.

My reference to you despising people is based on your attitude towards those who hold religious beliefs. Oddly enough, so many of your arguments here are, as noted, founded on your self-stated beliefs and opinions. Funny how you get to disparage others for believing things, but when you get called on to actually back up your own beliefs and opinions, you feel personally attacked and insulted.

So wonderboy, if you want to go on discussing these items, I'm game. The thing is, I'm making reference to the substantial aspects of this thread - the themes and ideas regarding evolution and science. I am not making reference to your slighted sense of self or easily bruised feelings. I honestly could not care less about what you think of me, but if you are going to post your beliefs and opinions here, then don't be too surprised if your feelings get hurt once again. The point is, if you feel free to attack and disparage the beliefs of others, then you should man enough to take similar attacks on your own beliefs and opinions.
gristle, I see your point and while I don't agree with you on many things (I would define an opinion as an uncertain knowledge for example)... you still made claims about me that were untrue (ie. not understanding the scientific use of the word theory when I clearly demonstrated a more than adequate understanding of the word)...

I hold firm my belief that religion is poison (doing far more measurable harm than the supposed immeasurable good) and that indoctrinating children before they have a chance to decide for themselves is highly unethical and morally wrong. You can disagree all you want, but to equate a belief in mystical beings, fairy tales, miracles and other nonsense to having an appreciation for science is just lunacy. Not all of the great thinkers even thought/think that way... Your arguments are extracted from those who's ideas you chose to support most as internally you agree with them, as do mine.

Lets carry on this thread without the bickering =)
You can disagree all you want, but to equate a belief in mystical beings, fairy tales, miracles and other nonsense to having an appreciation for science is just lunacy. Not all of the great thinkers even thought/think that way... Your arguments are extracted from those who's ideas you chose to support most as internally you agree with them, as do mine.

Once again, you have mischaracterized what I have written in this thread. I am not defending religion, I am defending the right of people to have their beliefs - just as you have your own beliefs. Just as there are unreasonable religious beliefs, there are also some clearly unreasonable scientific beliefs. I would suggest the acquisition of a more nuanced view of religions. If anything, should you wish to remain an emphatic critic of religion, you would at least be a more informed critic.
I don't believe in any of this Dungeons and Dragons bullshit. Scientific explanations make more sense to me.
