News   Jan 06, 2025
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News   Jan 06, 2025
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News   Jan 06, 2025
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Conservative Leadership Candidate: Belinda Stronach

You guys sound surprised. An attractive blond with a rich daddy... what the hell were you conditioned to expect? Like-whatever. Talk to the hand.

Anyways, the Conservative party was doomed the moment it merged with the Alliance. With the financial scandal on Parliament Hill the old PC party might have pulled something off... this new party is messed up. Alabama Bible Belt meets San Francisco. They haven't got a chance.

P.S. The stereotype contained in this posting is a joke and definitely has nothing to do with Quebec or french-Canadians.
She was pretty bad...nice to look at though. However, if she's this bad now the only way to go is up.
"She was pretty bad...nice to look at though."

I agree she was pretty bad... but extremely nice to look at.

What's with this outbreak of heterosexuality? ;) (And I don't mean the ;) in a ;) ;) way, but just in a ;) way - "if you know what I mean..." --- yes, I know, we all know Python.. )
Lol @ Are Be.

I dunno... she's too much of a two-face. Every time I see her I think back to that Seinfeld episode.
Was just looking at more of the, she really needs some speech help. She practically talks like she puts a period in the middle of all her sentences!

Guess I need some speech help too :b
"She practically talks like puts a period in the middle of all her sentences!"

What an odd thing to do.
Hillary will be president of the US.
Stronach will be Prime Minister of Canada.
And the laws will be changed to allow for polygamy.
And Bill will be the husband of Prime Minister Balinda and President Hillary!
At least Chretien had an excuse. He learned English later in life (in the 1960s as a MP, he knew very little English), as well as a speech impediment caused by a birth defect.

I really want to see that debate. I am surprised at how bad she was. They're not showing that here in London, of course. :)
The problem with Belinda is she speaks in a monotone voice... As though she is reading numbers from a consolidated financial statement.


Chretien was a very animated speaker. Broken English aside, his way of speaking was both entertaining and able to capture people's attention. He may have sucked as a PM, but he would definitely be the star attraction in a pub. Sitting there drinking beer and telling his tales of what life was like in the Commons.
