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Conservative Leadership Candidate: Belinda Stronach

Re: Belinda Who?

There actually are many Conservatives who favour gay marriage, multiculturalism, legalized pot and abortion. Many have a classical liberal view: hey pall, whatever turns you on- go ahead. Want a parade? Shut the street down for a day? We will let other groups do the same? OK- fine by me--Just let me opt out of it! Don't force me to go. Do your own thing. I'll do my own thing. Just don't pester me."

But there are some huge differences between conservatives and those who do not support economic growth and prosperity.
Conservatives are unique:
1, they are concerned about massive job losses due to Kyoto
2, they recognize that the only thing worse than getting screwed by trans. national corporations is not getting screwed by trans. national corporations
3, they recognize that Canadian culture can survive on its own, and that Canadians have a reduced image of themselves when they are subjected art that is of such a quaintly that screams out for massive government support. Not only do Canadians get to pay for crap, they are then instructed to like it! (I'm confident that Martin will not only obliterate funding to the arts, but will perhaps even invite average Canadians to give CanConArtists a good kicking.!)
4, they are greatly concerned that if Canadian taxes aren't competitive, there will be a massive capital flight (Hello! Already under way-- and Martin knows it)
5, are not knee jerk anti- Americans
6, would make cabinet ministers and secretaries of state resign if they get caught calling the US president a moron, etc.,
The biggest problem Construes face in picking a new leader is that their best possible leader already has a job: Prim Minster Paul "The Tory" Martin
Re: Belinda Who?

"would make cabinet ministers and secretaries of sate resign if hate get cough calling the US prescient a moron, etc.,"

Are Be, your typing monkey is acting up again. What's a US prescient?
Re: Belinda Who?


I'm still trying to figure out what a "possibel elader" is? :lol
2001 - Replaces her ex-husband as CEO of Magna. Meets and becomes friends with former U.S. president Bill Clinton at a charity golf event.

I bet she played golf with him... And lots more. He was one playful president, you know?
Ahh Clinton...quite a guy...haha...

As for Stronach, apparently she's paying people out in Quebec or something to vote for her...

Oh, and she has the same campaign manager as David Miller. As well as Ernie Eves...
Will Belinda stand by her misstatements?


UPDATED AT 10:14 AM EST &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp Saturday, Jan. 24, 2004


'I'm thinking of joining the Conservatives," declared Uncle Fred on the telephone from Gabriola Island.

"Good Lord, Fred, the last time we spoke you were going to run for Paul Martin's Liberals."

"Not much difference between the two crowds as far as I can see. And the Conservatives pay better."

"Fred, what do you mean that the Conservatives pay better?"

"Look, my friend, Mildred and I are pensioners. What with taxes and inflation, it's tough to stay afloat. I'm willing to be bought by these Conservative leadership candidates, and to stay bought. At least until the convention is over."

"Have you no principles, Fred?"

"If they have none, why should I have any?"

"Are you not interested in policies?"

"If they are not, why should I be?"

"Fred, did you not hear all the policy pronouncements in Belinda Stronach's campaign launch?"

"I could have done better on the back of an envelope. But, my friend, you haven't a clue if you think policies count for a hoot in this contest."

"Should politics not be about the search for better policies?"

"We're talking Conservative leadership politics here. The name of the game is simple -- buy or sell as many memberships as possible. It isn't pretty. It isn't democratic. It has nothing to do with selecting the best person for the job. But that's how it is, and I want in."

"What's the going price, Fred?"

"That's what I've got to find out. In Quebec, it's going to be a veritable bordello of greed. Heck, Stronach's main organizer in Quebec is some senator who knows where the bodies are buried and wrote a report urging legalization of drugs, whereas she opposes even decriminalization of marijuana. And you speak to me of principles and policies!"

"Where money is no object, Fred, people have no shame. In B.C., the going price might be lower. How low will you go, Fred?"

"You mean how high will I go? I'm going to auction myself to the highest bidder. Since Stronach has the most money, I'm pretty sure I'll wind up in her camp."

"Look, Fred, they're not going to literally buy your vote."

"Maybe, maybe not. But she needs organizers, and she pays top dollar I'm told. I could organize Gabriola Island for her, and maybe a couple of the other Gulf Islands. She could pay me a flat sum or a per-member fee. I don't care how I get bought just as long as they show me the money."

"Fred, she's bought a lot of experienced and unscrupulous organizers, that's true. And they will be buying votes in certain areas, but not in B.C."

"We shall see about that, my friend. What about those high-priced organizers? We know all about crazy open-line shows in B.C. I could have told those Stronach organizers not to put her on one of those in Winnipeg."

"I guess, Fred, they wanted to show that she had the common touch."

"Stronach? She should demand some of her money back from those organizers. Surely they knew she had to stay in the bubble. The audience for the Adler On-Line show in Winnipeg hates all politicians."

"You've got to admit she's a thoroughly modern politician, what with her flashy website."

"The one asking people for money to help her campaign? Howard Dean she's not, which might not be such a bad thing the way he's self-destructed."

"Fred, you're too tough on Stronach. The others will be buying and bribing, too, where they must. It's the Conservative leadership way."

"That's why I want in. We've got to stop those evangelicals who'll be working for Stephen Harper. He'll have lots of money, and so eventually will Tony Clement. That's why Mildred and I are open to the highest bidder. I just think that will be Stronach."

"Do you think, Fred, Paul Martin won the Liberal leadership because he bought the Liberal Party? Is that why you supported him?"

"It was a damn shame, that. He won so easily we couldn't drive up the bidding. Having all that fat-cat money didn't hurt Martin, I agree. I also agree that these leadership campaigns reek of money and favours. I just hold my nose and put out my hand."

"I thought it significant, Fred, that Stronach headed immediately west and promised to deal with Western alienation."

"Let me read you what she said about the famous Western alienation. I have the quotation here. She said: 'Well, I'd, I would say, I think it's important that we look at Canada as, make sure, I, that we allow each region, right, to prosper and we figure out what's the best reason for each region to prosper.' "

"She said that, Fred?"

"She certainly did."

"Well, then, I agree that it is about the money."

© 2004 Bell Globemedia Publishing Inc. All Rights Reserved.
The televised debate is on right now [Feb 22 2-4PM] - Cable 62. She seems very weak. She isn't doing it for me. I think she should set her sights on something like a mayoral race.
Oh. My. God.

That was, without doubt, the worse debater I've ever seen; EVER! And I've seen a lot of political debates.

I swear I felt insulted watching that debate. Every time Belinda got on the screen I found myself screaming and yelling at the TV. She is horrid. I can't believe someone actually thought: 1: She should enter the race, 2: She was ready for a political debate, or 3: She would actually attract people to the party or stand a chance of winning after that performance. Horrid!!!!

I'm now of the mindset that she's there solely to attract press coverage of the race. She has no chance of winning... who in their right mind would watch that debate and go: "Gee, she made some good points, and by points I mean she mentioned some very obvious generalities and seemed to have prepared by reading a fact book. As such I think I'm going to vote for Belinda." HORRID!!!

Ah, just thinking about the debate is so painful. Half the time she was speaking I had the TV on mute, the rest of the time I was crouched up in a fetal position with my fingers in my ears. I couldn't stand to believe this, THIS!!! is what was being offered up to Canadians as a potential Prime Minister.

I'm sorry to say, but her lack of experience, ideas, and ability to articulate thoughts are driving me nuts. I swear I felt embarrassed for her supporters in the audience (how much were they paid to cheer her on, DID THEY EVEN ****ING LISTEN TO A WORD SHE SAID?!?!?!). I can't believe what I just witnessed. A massacre of intelligence. Have her run as a star candidate in some riding, give her a few terms before running for leader (that is if it was ever a serious campaign), because her rookie status was shown in everything she did. If her polling numbers don't drop in half the next time a poll is conducted, I'll be the first one to call fraud on the research company.

:evil :evil :evil HORRID!!! :evil :evil :evil​
I think another word to describe her is - monotone.

"Half the time she was speaking I had the TV on mute, the rest of the time I was crouched up in a fetal position"

I wish that was a joke. Oh how I wish I was trying to be funny.

She spoke like a 8th grader who just finished memorizing a few facts from their textbook. It was bad, and I couldn't help but laugh at that lady after the debate who was defending Belinda's performance. What a spin job she was trying to pull off!

I'm sorry to say but Harper was the best overall, but I do have to give Tony credit for directly answering the questions, especially the ones which Harper avoided. I'll also give Clement credit for sticking to, and hammering home his point about being the only true candidate who can win nationally; which to me is his selling point. Though I'm not a member of the Conservative party, I do hope they elect a strong leader as I believe any political system strengthens with a strong opposition. It's my hope that Clement wins, though it seems Harper has this one nearly locked up. If that's the case then the worse harm the Conservatives will inflict upon the Liberals is forcing them to form a coalition government with the NDP.

BTW: Did I mention how bad Belinda was? For those of you who missed it (which I assume is about 99.5% of the forum) you may think I'm exaggerating, or wonder just how bad could she have been. Trust me. It was bad. Some might even call it horrid.
Watch the Mike Duffy clips. The Bricker guy is ripping into her. Deservingly so.

I honestly have no clue:
A) Who told her in good confidence to run
and more importantly
B) What her handlers have been doing. How did they prepare her for this debate? How I ask! HOW!!! Maybe I'm giving them too much credit for even suggesting they prepared her. Horrid!!!
Oh come on, it wasnt THAT bad, I'd vote for her for 9th grade student council president! Im sure she'd make our year super-extra-special-like at 100 km/h! :rolleyes
