UserName, are you including lawn maintenance, snow removal as part of general upkeep?
What isn't being factored in in these calculations is the cost of the homeowner's time. OK, you spend $30 on a snow shovel. If you hire someone to shovel the snow for you, you'll think about how much that cost. But if you do it yourself, what is the value of your time? If you spend 10 hours shovelling, is that worth $100? $200? $300?
Of course, some people actually like to shovel snow, mow lawns, etc. which is great and they're not worried about the time they spend. But others are busy or don't want to do it or whatever, so in their case, time is money, and you've got to include those hidden costs to do a true condo/house cost comparison.
But really, what it comes down to, is what do you want? Some people want to DIY, some people are willing to pay a monthly fee to have all of that stuff done for them. Some people want to take their garbage to the curb, some want to throw it down a chute (after responsibly sorting and recycling of course!). Different lifestyles come with different choices.
Even if you bring it down to dollars and cents, to truly compare apples with apples, you'd have to factor in real estate values, locations, etc. If you're living in a downtown condo and working downtown, what are your transportation costs vs living in a house where you have to commute? And so on and so forth ...
Makes for interesting discussion though!