Senior Member
I drive by the site every morning. The main commercial building is already in construction, but it looks very water downed from the original rendering with wavy glass panels and the like. As it stands, it looks like a longer extended version of a Home Depot.
They are putting in two additional traffic light intersections along the stetch on Steeles to alleviate future traffic.
It may sound interesting Taal, and a commercial 'mall' development that is relatively large, but judging from the site as it is now, its nothing special.
T ... the Landmark is addressed as 5833 - 5951 Steeles Avenue East, and actually to the west of this site under currentl application
See the Landmark proposal on their website, click on 'The Project' on the bottem and then 'The Concept' on the left
anyhow on the Landmark project even being watered down I still like it (if it actually gets built), I also liked their marketing and the music on the website haha (sorta relaxing) its really a much larger and somewhat nicer version of Pacific Mall ... its nice that project would to extend State Crown Boulevard such that it connects with Steeles to complete the street grid