Centro Condos (Henderson Developments) - Real Estate -

Do you have an electric hot water heater in your unit?
Does each unit have a chiller on the balcony and a boiler inside for heat and AC?
If not, then heating, cooling and hot water are supplied by a central plant, you pay the electricity bill to run the fan in your heatpump, since that's all it has in there that consumers power.

You don't need to have a seperate hot water boiler, A/C Chiller, or Furnance in each unit in order to be billed individually ... these new GREEN condos (I think Centro is one, Solaris is another among many Tridel condos) have multiple smart meters in each suite which reads consumption of hot water use, heat use, A/C use, and hydro use in turn to bill owners for whatever they use
You don't need to have a seperate hot water boiler, A/C Chiller, or Furnance in each unit in order to be billed individually ... these new GREEN condos (I think Centro is one, Solaris is another among many Tridel condos) have multiple smart meters in each suite which reads consumption of hot water use, heat use, A/C use, and hydro use in turn to bill owners for whatever they use
I'm pretty sure Centro isn't a GREEN condo.
You don't need to have a seperate hot water boiler, A/C Chiller, or Furnance in each unit in order to be billed individually ... these new GREEN condos (I think Centro is one, Solaris is another among many Tridel condos) have multiple smart meters in each suite which reads consumption of hot water use, heat use, A/C use, and hydro use in turn to bill owners for whatever they use

I can understand how heating & cooling are billed on EnerCare, because there're actual Heat Pumps in my unit, and in the service panel there are actual circuit breakers dedicated to the Heat Pumps (like those for the range, washer/dryer, etc.)

But for hot water, there is neither a heating device nor a corresponding circuit breaker in the service panel. I can't imagine how EnerCare can bill its customer by "sensing" the consumption of hot water flowing through the unit, then "back out" (or make up) the energy units (KwH) to charge the customer against. Isn't this technically impractical and illegitimate?

Obviously I'm still confused...
Confirmed by Jai:

Hot water is NOT part of the Enercare bill.
Hot water IS included in the maintenance fees.

Which now brings up the question...what if somebody uses a lot of hot water, and others don't...should everyone pay equally?
the guys who use a lot of hot water do not smell bad in the elevator, the others.........
living in a condo means sharing costs. we do not use the gym but we pay for it with our maintenance fee. for you?
hang on the important things, like security etc, and you make it to the board.
I can understand how heating & cooling are billed on EnerCare, because there're actual Heat Pumps in my unit,

The heat pump in your unit consists of a fan and radiator. Heated or chilled fluid , supplied from a central plant, is pumped through the radiator, heating or cooling the air passed over it by the fan.
The greatest energy usage is by the system that is heating or cooling the fluid. The fan uses very little power.
The heat pump in your unit consists of a fan and radiator. Heated or chilled fluid , supplied from a central plant, is pumped through the radiator, heating or cooling the air passed over it by the fan.
The greatest energy usage is by the system that is heating or cooling the fluid. The fan uses very little power.

Thanks Doug. So the central plant delivers heated/cooled fluid into those radiator fins in my unit, and I control how much gets pumped. The central unit does NOT deliver heated/cooled air (like in the old days/condos). So theoretically it's much more difficult for air borne bacteria & virus from one unit to spread to another unit -- not the case for central heating/cooling system in old condos.
and I control how much gets pumped.

The thermostat tells the fan when to turn on and off, and opens or closes a valve at the same time. You don't actually control the volume of fluid.

The central unit does NOT deliver heated/cooled air (like in the old days/condos).

I have never seen a central air delivery system in an old condo or apartment building. I don't think that was ever done. It would be a really bad idea.
does anyone else experience problem with their heating system?

when i turn my heat on, sometimes it only blows out cool air...and it makes my temperature drop even more. i had a similar problem in the summer..instead of cool air, i was getting warm air, and the superintendent helped me fix it by just resetting is..so i've tried that now on my own, and it works sometimes, but then it's back to cool air when i should be getting heat...?
Hi Irene, I'm having the exact same problem, and it happened in the summer too, like you said. I called the gatehouse and they told me to reset it (again) and it worked for about a day. So then I had to fill out a form for someone to come and fix it, and now I'm just waiting.
same here, not just in the units, even in the hallway on our floor. sometimes arctic air is blowing from the a/c and pressing into our unit. gatehouse reset it but 2 weeks later same story starts again. pretty poor.
YES i had the same problem

Yes i had the same problem. I got it fixed for the 3rd time!!! :mad::mad::mad: 3 times was because of the pump!! I thought this is a new building, how come it is always broken?!??!? They told me not to completely turn off the heat since if you turn it off then you need to reset your system again. What kind of system is that??? waste energy and money. I wonder after few years what will happen? I mean everything is still new as of now, i can't imagine what will happen later on.
Same here. One of my thermostats I have it set to HEAT and AUTO, Heat temp set at 70 degrees, the thermostat says the room is at 67 and the a/c is blowing cold air non-stop. The other thermostat in my bedroom is set at the same, and actually maintains it at 70...

How do you reset your thermostat? I'm gonna change the filters too and see if that helps.
I am also not happy with the management and security of this building too. I lived in 3 other buildings condo, i think this is the worst management and security team. If no changes are made I don't think anyone would want to live in this building or more complains will be made by resident.

1) Please knock on the door before you come in the unit!!! if resident not at home leave a small note to inform you came in please.
2) Fix the light bulb when the light is dead (I am not expecting you to know the next day but the light bulb was dead for 3 weeks or more now)
3) Clean the area!!! My car is at P3 but I see some garbage been on the stair handle for a few months now!!!
4) One of the elevator (i think is the one people use for moving) the button is broken please fix it!!! if you press any one of the floor for 21, 22, or 23 .. 3 of them will light up which will stopped at all floors. (Being like this for few weeks now!)

This is like the basic I am asking for!!!! If all other buildings can do the same I don't see why this building can not?????

Security: Find more important things to do!!! Copying down all the car parked in what spot everyday, that is not an important job!!! Don't give me a warning note when my car is parked at my OWN spot!! I never heard that any building is not allowing a friend to park at a parking spot that belong to them!

I am not complaining about all the security, I know a few of them are good, friendly, and helpful.
One more important thing, why is the garbage chut always not working??? when comes to weekend then it will not work!!! why???
