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Beauce Boyz: The Continuing Adventures of Mad Max


Growing desire in Canada for politician willing to ‘break the rules’: Ipsos poll
A growing number of Canadians are ready for a leader that is willing to break the rules, according to a recent poll conducted by Ipsos.

The organization’s “Beyond Populism? Revisited” poll asked residents of 26 countries about their trust in leaders, institutions and their views on how their nation should move forward.
In Canada, 46 per cent said they want a leader who is open to skirting rules. That’s an increase of five per cent over the results of the same survey conducted in 2016.

Ipsos vice-president Sean Simpson explained to Global News much of that is because people are losing faith in traditional leaders and political parties.
“That’s why in Ontario we have Doug Ford, and he’s emboldened to call out the court and to use the notwithstanding clause,” he said, noting the premier’s latest move in cutting down Toronto city council’s size.

“That’s what his base and a significant number of people in the province want — somebody who will challenge institutions and mix things up.”
While Canadians seem more open to an unconventional leader who may break rules, approval of leaders who are outspoken tumbled in the country.

Fifty-one per cent of Canadians said they support politicians who “say what’s on their mind regardless of what anyone else thinks.” In 2016, support for that kind of attitude was higher at 57 per cent.

“Let’s call it organized chaos. If we’re going to throw a grenade in the system and elect somebody who will break the rules, you still need to be mindful of the civility and decorum of Canadians.”
Interestingly, only 19 per cent of Canadian respondents said the country should “stick to parties and leaders who have been in power before.”
“We can’t blame everything on Donald Trump,” he said. “These populist, anti-establishment sentiments have been brewing now for the better part of a decade.”
That's a bit of mixed messaging.

Skirting the rules and being anti-establishment aren't necessarily the same thing.

Liberalism was born of anti-establishment thinking.
So I read a transcript of Wendy Mesley's interview with Bernier and I have to also wonder what was up with her pushing the silly thought of Bernier getting money from the Koch brothers when it is illegal for foreigners to make donations to Canadian political parties. Not to mention the donation limits. I could max the limit out myself, no need for a billionaire foreigner.

Why was she on about that so hard?
So I read a transcript of Wendy Mesley's interview with Bernier and I have to also wonder what was up with her pushing the silly thought of Bernier getting money from the Koch brothers when it is illegal for foreigners to make donations to Canadian political parties. Not to mention the donation limits. I could max the limit out myself, no need for a billionaire foreigner.

Why was she on about that so hard?

I've seen her segments a few times, and this isn't the first time she's pushed odd and vaguely conspiratorial assertions.

Bernier got into an argument with her on Twitter afterwards:
Mark Critch of 22 Minutes asks Mad Max some difficult questions:

Well, that confirms it: when asked who he'd choose to have "cross the floor" to his party, he chose Elizabeth May.

Good choice, Maxime!

Two sensible alternatives to the usual band of cynical power-lusting jokers.
Canadian Polls

Two Federal Polls: LIB: 37.1% CON: 31.4% NDP: 16.1% GRN: 7.2% BLOC: 3.8% PPC: 1.3% Oct. 12th / Nanos Research / 1000 respondents / Telephone / +/- 3.1% -- LIB: 38% CON: 31% NDP: 15% GRN: 7% BLOC: 5% PPC: 3% Oct. 1st / Innovative Research / 2410 respondents / Online #cdnpoli

Not much support for the Pee Pee party.
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BUMP: @MTown

The Pee Pee party has a right wing socon as a candidate. I thought Bernier supported gay rights....
Maybe I need to understand how many people vote for a trustee in BC but is that not a lot of votes for a losing trustee?
If they can get 10% in this riding it will show that they are a potential force. that is all they need really. I don't think they are expecting a win.
I don't understand why a supposedly "libertarian" party is embracing a right wing SoCon.

Social Media hits?
Desperation to run a full slate of candidates?
Some or all of the above?

It's many sleeps and many news cycles between now and election day.

Mtown said: "Two sensible alternatives to the usual band of cynical power-lusting jokers." That only works until the new guard becomes the usual band of cynical power-lusting jokers. It's the nature of the beast.
I think The People's Party is trying to copy the trajectory of the Reform party in 1993 which was MORE socially conservative than the current People's party. They may try to start as a Quebec based party for this election. And then take over for the more establishment Parties next election after people realize how uninspiring they are.
