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Baby, we got a bubble!?

I really enjoy reading the varied opinions on this thread and hope not to see it degenerate into all those started elsewhere by recharts’ alter ego as pf4redflag such as ‘behind the avg. numbers for T.O listings’ many of which have been locked. I also hope the moderator is watching because it is already and unavoidably heading into such territory.

If not, maybe he’ll exit just as quickly as he entered when his lastest ban which was meted out just before he surfaced here, is lifted.
-next we see people dreaming about the condo market going up and up while Urbanation reports disasters

Is Brad Lamb on this board or are you referring to Condo George?

I personally think if you tone down the self-righteousness rhetoric you have an outside chance of being a semi-positive voice in this thread. Please just drop the Condo Crash!!!! It's tiring and well just banal. We've dissected the market from every angle. Except for the realtors who disclose their bias everyone else here is pretty moderate on both sides of the debate.
I am asking the admins to tolerate this last response to my detractors. Not sure why they can not discuss my numbers and why they can not come with numbers instead of confabulations like "Toronto becoming a second Vancouver and being taken by chinese (whatever that means)". When I posted the Urbanation data, strings where pulled and the Urbanation people found out about it. Nobody bothered to actually really discuss those numbers till the Urbanation person left the site with the tail between her legs after being proved to be off tracks with her intervention.

@ CN Tower: not sure why my "tone" bothers you so much. I do not have an exceptional command of English and it would be hard for me to compete on the "tone" and nuances of irony with native english speakers.
It should not be able to even scratch you with my posts here. I suspect that it is rather my ideas which bother you.
If you are right and you believe in what you say and you have numbers that support your point of view you should not have problems with my incoherent messages and with my beginner level analisys or whatever you like to call it.
Just stay calm dismount my logic and ignore the tone. You have the truth on your side.

@itsoldyouaremoving: are you talking about this post ? If yes then two observations:

-the thread doesn't seem to be locked
-you did not disclose your identity there. Which one of pf4redflag's partners of scandal are you ?

You guys seem to have a big beef with this guy, he must have gotten you pretty bad that you are wasting your time with him.
I am seeing there a link or two to my site ...although I never seen traffic coming from that direction to my blog.
I am also seeing a different style of stats and charts posted by this pf4redflag like the ones posted here:

You seem to have a problem with Canadian Watchdog and with Garth Turner too. I saw that here and on the pages linked above. I wonder why. They are both very well documented in their posts and I am sure that their info can be discussed as much as the info on your blog. For instance the post about Competition Bureau losing their case against TREB on a matter of form but not on substance makes you look pretty bad.
I would say that you are jealous on their success, they each have more followers that you will ever have. Anyway.. I am digressing, short story, by my opinion you are being poisoned by your own thinking.

You are trying to shut me down here. All my traffic is coming from Garth's blog. If you want to shut me down try to shut him down if you can.
I am a small fish and you dishonor yourself by claiming a victory in your fight with
I am not sure what you want but while I have no business in RE and my public image doesn't matter yours should and you should not get involved in low attacks like the above.

As a matter of fact I have an recharts user on the RedflagDeals forum, and I tried to post some of my stats there. The message was censored without any explanation and I stopped reading that forum after that.
Why do you think that the user pf4redflag is not posting the stats from my site over there? If I was pfredflag I could easily do that with that user since that user was not censored when he posted links to my site, so I don't see your point. You have no logic. But you seem to hate a lot.

You are saying that you enjoy reading this thread. Why don't you oppose your data (since you have access to MLS) to my data ...beat fire with fire not with hate. Be constructive.
Post here links to data that you have, keep us up to date with what is going on and do not just "read" here. Instead of destroying others work try to post your work here.

Sorry for the digression ...but I believed that the attention that ISYM is giving me deserved a response.
If you don't mind I will continue to post relevant links and my own data.
I am currently collecting data about condos in C01 and I am trying to find a way to chart that information ....quite difficult though.
I am sure that the you can get the same info from ISYM but would she contribute to this forum in this way rather than focusing on who I am and what I do ? I doubt it.
BTW the core downtown is cooling off
Note the "over asking price" for the properties sold in downtown

but ..the collors of the markers for those sales are colder than the surrounding ares for many of them. Hmmm...

I know I know you are intersested in condos only but I don;t think that these markets are decoupled. I would like to hear why you believe they are.
excellent news! you can block recharts posts by adding him to your ignore list.

Click his profile and choose add to ignore list....and bam! thread has improved 178%
“Look at Beijing, look at all the money. I’ve got friends who have got kids there, tremendous job opportunities, and the kids will come back because they can’t breathe the air,” he said. “You go to London – one of my daughters lives there, and it’s so overpriced that it’s sick-making. New York has got tremendous attractions, but it’s also got a hell of a lot of problems. Look at the traffic – I have an office there and you can’t go across.

Yes, what used to be the norm will never be the norm again. Canada is the last virgin land left on earth with rich resources, vast land, and few people. It's just a matter of time Toronto will become a true world player.

Guess, who has jumped into Toronto condo development market with both feet.

This guy seems to be a lot more confident of Toronto condo market future than the perennial 'Bears'.
The following news are about condos:

Canadian housing starts in cities with 10,000 population or over (SAAR): April 2012= 223,500...... April 2013= 153,500 #Yikes
#Vancouver bucks national trend: Single family housing starts up 17% y/y, multis (condos) up 12% y/y. #WhatAreDevelopersThinking?
I'll say again, fallng housing starts are good for price stability in long-term, but will put serious pressure on labor market in short term
Toronto multi unit starts (i.e. condos) fell 73% y/y in April. Developers pulling back hard.
For the January-April period, housing starts in Canada have fallen 23% y/y
April housing starts in Canada fell 33% y/y

There are concerns that Toronto is not creating enough new households to fill those condos, as the percentage of Canada’s new immigrants moving to the city has declined from 45% in 2006, to 30%. The decline has been offset by a rapid rise in young people moving into the GTA.

Mr. Tal says it doesn’t mean there will be a condominium crash but it could lead to a gradual slowing in supply.

“The picture that is emerging is 2014-2015 will be a turning point in the condo market,” Mr. Tal writes, adding he expects vacancy rates to rise and rental increases to ease.

The key for the market will be how leveraged condo investors are. Mr. Tal says if the majority of investors have 20% down — something he believes to be true — there will not be a mass exodus to sell.

All in all not very good news if you did not have a 20% down payment for your investment.
To the guy who keep dreaming about Toronto flooded by his countrymen: it is not happening.
Blame Jason Kenney.

The following news are about condos:

Canadian housing starts in cities with 10,000 population or over (SAAR): April 2012= 223,500...... April 2013= 153,500 #Yikes
#Vancouver bucks national trend: Single family housing starts up 17% y/y, multis (condos) up 12% y/y. #WhatAreDevelopersThinking?
I'll say again, fallng housing starts are good for price stability in long-term, but will put serious pressure on labor market in short term
Toronto multi unit starts (i.e. condos) fell 73% y/y in April. Developers pulling back hard.
For the January-April period, housing starts in Canada have fallen 23% y/y
April housing starts in Canada fell 33% y/y

There are concerns that Toronto is not creating enough new households to fill those condos, as the percentage of Canada’s new immigrants moving to the city has declined from 45% in 2006, to 30%. The decline has been offset by a rapid rise in young people moving into the GTA.

Mr. Tal says it doesn’t mean there will be a condominium crash but it could lead to a gradual slowing in supply.

“The picture that is emerging is 2014-2015 will be a turning point in the condo market,” Mr. Tal writes, adding he expects vacancy rates to rise and rental increases to ease.

The key for the market will be how leveraged condo investors are. Mr. Tal says if the majority of investors have 20% down — something he believes to be true — there will not be a mass exodus to sell.

All in all not very good news if you did not have a 20% down payment for your investment.
To the guy who keep dreaming about Toronto flooded by his countrymen: it is not happening.
A quick point - all places, sources, etc. that noted the Urbanation data prior release have or were in the process of being addressed (that does not mean "sue" but thank you for the over-the-top diatribe). But since this is my personal account, I will say that there is no point in continuing a flame war with anonymous conspiracy theorists who wouldn't have the self-reflection to get the message. Wasted time. Particularly the "I'm what? No, that's you" turnaround. Tail between my legs is more like can't be bothered.

There's been some interesting, and insightful discussion in this thread over the years that some of us in the research end do follow from time to time. Thank you. Mr. Tal has quite a bit of data at this disposal on the credit-side. I'd like to see the intra-migration numbers to Toronto.

Guess, who has jumped into Toronto condo development market with both feet.

This guy seems to be a lot more confident of Toronto condo market future than the perennial 'Bears'.

He's picked up a chunk of a developer and is financing construction of buildings with firm buyers. Canada doesn't let buyers back out of a purchase agreement very easily, so that's a pretty low-risk gamble.

These types of arrangements are largely because Canadian Banks have hit their cap on exposure to construction financing due to the huge number of projects underway.
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Any source on that? Financing, i.e., lending money to someone, is not 'investment in real estate'.

He's picked up a chunk of a developer. They really don't lose much money if a building fails to sell, they just lay-off staff and pause for a few years until the market recovers.
