At this juncture, I am not interested in the politics of Mr. Gore and/or Mr. Clinton, or whether Gore 'deserves' the
Nobel Peace Prize or not. II've said all I need to on that in prior posts. But I will defend the global warming end of this, because it is not an invention out of thin air by one man, nor a small band of people with some kind of conspiracy lurking. This issue has been under observation for some time, and many of the world's best scientists have weighed in on it, and more of them seem to agree than disagree, that global warming is an authenic issue.
Besides, there has been no increase in the globally averaged temperature since about 1999.
Not true. Gavin Schmidt, a prominent climate modeler at NASA's
Goddard Institute for Space Studies reports that 2005 is now the warmest year globally in the instrumental record, followed by 1998.
Some months ago, NASA quietly revised its statistics to indicate that 1934 was the warmest year of the century.
Quietly revised?
From a NASA standpoint, not quietly nor loudly, simply per normal: the distribution to the outside media was not delayed nor handled in a special or unusual manner.
Not surprisingly for those that saw this as a major flaw to the global warming theory – namely,
FOX News, Rush Limbaugh, and the other usual suspects – attempts were made to get the repackaged and misleading information out there. Thus far this effort has had little traction, except among those who were already in tow. I believe this is referred to cynically in political circles as “rallying the baseâ€.
But let us not leave it there. The source of the NASA revisions was James Hansen. Mr. Hansen supported before, and still does support the thesis of global warming. When asked about the significance of the revisions, his response was essentially the following:
- The revisions were not made to the global chart but rather to the US charts
- The global charts still show that 1998 is the warmest year on record when averaged for the world, not 1934. (Gavin Schmidt updates this to 2005 - see first section.)
- The US chart revisions, when properly updated, do not demonstrate significant differentials to the trends.
US chart (top)
compared to
Global chart (bottom)
Is this Mr. Hansen’s view and no one else at NASA? Is he in effect blind to his own revelations? I don’t think so. Mr. Schmidt also reports that the temperature difference between 1934 and 1998 in the United States (before and after the revisions by Hansen) is not statistically significant.
If one were to bypass Hansen and Schmidt and go directly to NASA’s global charts, it shows the following trend: 10 of the warmest years globally in the instrumental record have occurred after 1989. The key word in all this is the GLOBAL trend, not the US trend! Watch how that point will be lost again by someone submitting another post.
CLICK Here to see NASA’s GLOBAL Land-Ocean Temperature Index