Developer: Triovest
Architect: Powers Brown Architecture
Address: Sandy Beach Rd, Pickering
Category: Commercial (Industrial)
Status: ConstructionCrane(s): 0
Height: 53 ft / 16.15 mStoreys: 1 storeys
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Pickering Sandy Beach Road Warehouse | 16.15m | 1s | Triovest | Powers Brown


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Aug 25, 2020
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From the City of Pickering:
The City has received a Site Plan application submitted by Triovest Sandy Beach Holdings Limited. The applicant proposes to develop the lands for a one-storey, 24,631.48 square metre industrial warehouse building and a total of 192 surface parking spaces. Vehicular access to the site is proposed via a new municipal road extension from Dillingham Road. No vehicular access is proposed from Sandy Beach Road.
Sandy-Beach-Rd-Architectural-Plans-10 - Copy.jpg
I presume the green diagonal lines on the left part the rough sketch is an attempt to keep some semblance of green space with this?

...but I agree, what a butt ugly monster. /sigh
Was just in the area. This is mostly framed up now but I couldn’t get a pic while driving. Maybe FutureDurham can get a drone pic if in the area shooting condo shots.
